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Everything posted by rubberdinghy

  1. So, we lost....also had a goal scored on us on the PP...Gerber was peppered, but Cam Ward definately outplayed him, that goalie is all kinds of unbeleivable. you can't win em all.
  2. Miraj is the place on Carling...It may only be sports cards though..... www.mirajtrading.com
  3. Two other places...One on St.Laurent near CD Warehouse...St.Laurent and Innes...also a place on Carling just east of Churchill on the south side of the road.
  4. Got one warmed up and ready to go.
  5. So still no proof of this whole grain nonsense?
  6. Didn't see or hear much of the game, but sounded like a solid victory...Eaves, Vermette, and Corvo with the goals...
  7. Awesome...shoulda watched this game!
  8. I'd like to see supporting facts, not just this nonsense.
  9. Of course they finished with Street Sleeper, these guys really know how to kick our Ottawa asses!!!
  10. Interesting read...thanks
  11. at 2:30 of that video, Horatio says "we just have to narrow it to one" He was right!!
  12. I know that....what I am saying is that they pay these boys the big casheroni to help in these situations....
  13. Where's Horatio Cane when you need him
  14. what gives bouche...is it happy fun?
  15. It's not a typical pop-up...it's like a windows password thingy ma bob...
  16. ooooooooooooooooooooooooo. Lure and GTB...been a while since I've been to Mav's
  17. has anyone else been getting this pop-up from the skank, looking for user id and password, or am I just infected?
  18. Did you have to look up the spelling of Barysh babies... Love you....Just like Sam and her dictionary.
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