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Everything posted by rubberdinghy

  1. basically right place, right time, with the help of a friend... but I'll let her tell the story.
  2. KAZOW! Wicked awesome, I have no complaints whatsoever. Sound was awesome, Ryan seemed to be wicked happy, and he's pretty friggin hilarious... VOIVOD!
  3. and apparently Mike Eaves plays for the Sens....again. According to the Ottawa Sun.
  4. Nice to see hockey scores again...4-0 Gerber making 52 saves!!!
  5. The best part of that whole article is the bit about the next Hall and Oates album
  6. I always assumed a pub would have "pub food"
  7. If this Adams fellow pulls any of this stupid nonsense I will be severely pissed....At the first note/sign of any retardedness, I will be in a cab faster than you can say "intergalactic" to see the Beasties. This will be my first Ryan show, I need to be impressed, or I will not buy any of his albums. Northern Wish came up with a good spot... http://www.pubsaint-ciboire.com/ I'll want burger/fries/beer!!! Stephie will have her cell phone...PM for a number if you want.
  8. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY VOODOOLADY! Yer one in 17.3659 million.... Taller than the CN Tower! Lotsa love. PS. Skanks...feel free to send gifts. PM me for the address, thanks.
  9. Why was the CN Tower built?
  10. I agree....Low Roller has no fashion sense....the Avalanche jersey are great.
  11. Christ, that was some heavy hitting for a pre-season OHL game! WICKED!
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