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Everything posted by Hux

  1. Has the whole "Magnum" thing not kinda run its course? It's not that funny anymore - actually it never was.
  2. I'll ask the little lady and get back to ya, sorry we missed ya Lynners, we are back in O-town.
  3. Such a shame when bad hair happens to good people. You recovered and it looks great (but now you can grow it long again! )
  4. Doesn't work for me and my "no questions asked"/plausible deniability policy!
  5. Happy 44th! B-Dub Army ::punches chest::
  6. This guy totally got me into cooking. I'd haul out a pan and just start throwing stuff in, including of course "a bit of pepper". He kinda cooked Grateful Dead style - without a net!
  7. Hux

    so ...

    Hence, in 1984, a few days after publicly savaging then-prime minister John Turner for rewarding Liberal cronies with patronage jobs, Mulroney told reporters, in what he thought was an off-the-record conversation, that he saw nothing wrong with the practice. "There's no whore like an old whore," he said. "If I'd been in (their) position, I'd have been right there with my nose in the public trough like the rest of them."
  8. Hux

    so ...

    ....at a House of Commons Committee, Harper to date refuses to delay Schreiber's extradition so he can appear at the public inquiry - that he called.
  9. Hux

    so ...

    Saw it too, enjoyable, but without question the biggest blowjob in Canadian journalistic history. It was also made I believe as a pre-emptive defence in light of all this stuff coming out. Basically, as journalists began to uncover more details about the cash payments, Mulroney sought from a Schreiber a signed affadavit confirming that he had never given Mulroney a cent, Schreiber refused, this was the first split, then as more details came out Mulroney's spokesman told a CBC reporter that Schreiber was the "biggest fucking liar the world has ever seen." - Schreiber saw this and got so pissed off that the guy he helped so much over the years(Mulroney) had betrayed him, he basically went public with his version of things backed up by signed legal affadavits etc.
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