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Everything posted by Hux

  1. Hux

    Well No sh!t!

    I hear many insurance companies are now implementing a policy that doubles the deductible if a windshield on a Ford F-150 has been broken from the inside by high-heels, a bokoductible if you will.
  2. Apparently mixing helium and botox is not fatal...good to know...
  3. Love is in the air!!! :content:
  4. Happy endings rule. He played really well at the Obama show, hope he continues to elevate his playing.
  5. At least Oprah can pick good Presidential candidates....
  6. Hux


    ...maybe that's the problem.
  7. Hux


    I thought Tina Turner was horrid, her vocals were almost current-era Dylanesque and she hobble around like she was disabled. Hang it up.
  8. Gentlemen - you are all massive douchebags.
  9. That's exactly the song he was singing in the photo Booche....go get your bone you Doghead!!
  10. Rumour has it this tour will be just Bob and a karaoke machine...
  11. Good thing Phil's "vocals" didn't cause an invasion of earth by pissed off extraterrestrials.
  13. Concert or Theatre tickets? Aeroplan miles?
  14. That Other One was killer, loved the synthesizer.
  15. Bobby and MK are schooling P&F on this Minglewood...
  16. If your audio on the stream is choppy, google sirius and sign up for the free trial and stream the GD channel from there...it's more clear...
  17. Phil Lesh "Obama Gives Me Goosebumps!" In a press conference minutes ago with Bob Weir, Phil Lesh and Mickey Hart to announce their support for Barack Obama Phil Lesh was quoted as saying that "Obama gives me goosebumps." You know they are very interested in supporting Barack Obama as this is the first time the band has reunited for anything since 2003. Bob Weir went as far as to say that "the last time we had a chance to make a transformation of like this it was put to bed with a bullet" referring to the Bobby Kennedy as the last politician that the boys could get behind. More importantly the Purply Grotto had two questions for the band... Colleen McSpirit, riding the rail during the press conference, was able to ask the boys if Billy Kruetzman would be there. The answer was short and sweet: He could not make the show due to a previous engagement, but they did say that Billy has read Obama's book and is very enthusiastic about his candidacy. AS Colleen introduced herself to the band Phil gave a knowing and glowing smile as he heard that she was with the Purply Grotto...as if to say "I know you guys!" Our purply reporter's second question was more about the enthusiasm that the boys have brought to the table: "On many fan sites peple are saying that if he's good enough for the 'boys' then he's good enough for me...how to you respond to that?" Bobby reponded "That's not our intention. We're not telling you who to vote for...you need to make your own choices...who you vote for has to come from your heart, your mind and your soul." When asked, by the Relix reporter, if this was a one-off or if the band was planning to tour either in support of Obama's candidacy or in general Phil Lesh said "Right now this is a one-time event."
  18. At least you pay 20 cents less GST on a toaster.
  19. Hux

    Music DVD's

    I'm a causal S&G fan and picked this up for like $10 not expecting much but was blown away. Great mix of tunes including a bunch of solo Simon, it now ranks among my favourites - BUY IT YOU WILL NOT BE DISSAPOINTED! Concert in central park 1981.
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