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Everything posted by Hux

  1. You're answer to that lies in the 6.28.85 Hershey discs I burned you...oops, did I forget Tom Thumb's, Space and Drumz....OOOOOPIE!!
  2. Originally created for the birth of Mickey Hart's son Taro in 1983, this 70-minute soundscape was intended to transform the coldness of a hospital delivery room into a warm, rhythmic environment which would aid concentration and breathing and shut out external noise during the process of labor and birthing. Hart recorded Taro's heartbeat in utero, then overdubbed that organic rhythm with subtle bass harmonics, drums, and wooden shakuhachi flute in a simple musical pattern repeated with slight variations throughout the recording. Hart and his wife found it greatly calming during Taro's delivery, and friends began to request it for the deliveries of their own children. Consequently, Hart decided to release the recording on CD as well as cassette for the general public, as an idiosyncratic title in THE WORLD series.
  3. Exact reason why I taught myself how to deal cards with my feet.
  4. Hux


    I've never had good tequila. I feel cheated.
  5. Hux

    Why We Have Debt

    Someone blame it on Trudeau, c'mon....
  6. By joint return he means two people filing on one form, not income splitting.
  7. Saw 'em Thursday at Zaphods. Wasn't very impressed, felt the album sounded unique but live it was just the same old neo-"alternativey"- distortion mush that has ruined (FOR ME) such bands as GTB etc. I think they just use the stuff that sounds Queen-like to lure in idiots like me.
  8. Hux

    Kowloon Market

    I like the Asian market down past Preston on the South side of Somerset after the bridge? more parking.... Also, Omni Foods (I think it's called) in Vanier is also a good one...
  9. Now we're going in circles, see my first post.
  10. I agree - it is a shame that the only hope is the Liberal Opposition and not the current government who actually have the responsibility.
  11. Yes. The system is what it is, you either play ball and take some water with your wine (ie. vote for the party that represents 90% of what you believe anyways) or become some idiot martyr like Nader who's actions only screwed his own principles. What an egomaniac.
  12. Unless the political manoeuvreings (what a weird word) have a direct effect on economic plans, ie. if Libs had voted the gov't down every time the NDP has tried to - odds are we'd have a Conservative majority government in power today, I'd rather manoeuvre now and potentially change the gov't/economic approach in a few months or a year, as opposed to 4 years of "Conservative" economic "planning"... Hilarious skit though, doesn't quite hit home as well as that one he did on unemployed Liberal staffers living in Team Martin sign box huts and stuff...
  13. oh "Park"....I thought you said "Pork"...you can imagine my confusion.
  14. Doesn't a true democracy allow people to not vote? Also, your example above doesn't jive with the Nader situation, he didn't even get 3% of the vote in 2000, yet those 90,000 votes he got in Florida delivered the presidency to Bush, which I think is the point.
  15. In the assorted I think there's: - pork - some sort of pate - cilantro - carrot slivers - hot chilis.. What else....help me....
  16. Layton, Nader seem to revel in spoiler role The StarPhoenix Tuesday, February 26, 2008 Considering that if his polling numbers were reflected on a heart monitor, medical authorities would be inquiring about organ donations, NDP Leader Jack Layton sure seems determined for a fight to the death. Layton has led New Democrats through two elections since taking over the party's helm in 2003, simultaneously more than doubling the party's number of MPs in the House over that period while reducing their impact almost to zero. Although the NDP was able to claim some success in pushing Paul Martin's weak minority Liberal government to adopt some programs -- most notably getting money for housing and transit -- Layton's strategy to go after the Grits with equal or greater vigour than he used against the Tories helped to defeat his allies and put in power the party that most opposes his agenda. One would think that would force a change in strategy. However, Layton continues to attack the Liberals at least as much as he does the Conservatives and, in doing so, serves as Stephen Harper's guardian angel. Americans, particularly the Democrats, are now facing a similar concern. As he has done in every presidential election since 1992, consumer advocate Ralph Nader has announced he's again ready to take on the two major parties. Given the powerful position of the two major parties in America, Nader's campaigning has had little impact, except once. In 2000, by arguing there was too little difference between the Democrats' Al Gore and the Republican nominee George Bush, Nader secured about 2.7 per cent of the ballots, including 96,837 votes in Florida. Those votes, which Democrats argued were siphoned away from their party, were just enough to make the outcome in that crucial state too close to call. The call was put in the hands of the Supreme Court, whose Republican majority decided Bush should be president. Few Americans since then would agree that there is little difference between the current president and Gore. Ironically, Nader ran as a member of America's Green party, convinced too little was being done by the U.S. to combat global warming. Gore, meanwhile, has won a Nobel Peace prize for the work he has done outside of politics to bring awareness to the global warming issue. But if Nader was feeling any regret for helping to bring to power the president who pulled America out of the Kyoto agreement, he wasn't showing it over the weekend. "If the Democrats can't landslide the Republicans this year, they ought to just wrap up, close down, emerge in a different form," Nader told the TV program, Meet the Press, in announcing his candidacy. That is to say, Nader has no illusions that he'll be elected president. However, he sees the presidential campaign merely as an opportunity to raise the issues he believes are of vital national interest. It seems to matter little to the former consumer advocate that he's had virtually no success in taking his information campaign on the election trail or that he's racked up an incredible list of failures. This record is in stark contrast to the success he's had as an advocate. His dogged pursuit of corporations he believes took too casual an attitude to consumer protection resulted in legislation over the decades that has made us all safer. It was clear from the reaction this week about whose campaign the Nader announcement will help the most. Republican candidate Mike Huckabee told CNN that Nader will pull votes from the Democratic nominee. "So naturally, Republicans would welcome his entry into the race." Hillary Clinton, on the other hand, found Nader's decision unfortunate. "I remember when he did this before. It's not good for anybody, especially our country." But it seems for Nader, the best interests of America come secondary to boosting his own ego by drawing away thousands of votes from those who should be his allies. Similarly, Layton seems little concerned that his party's poll numbers have flat-lined. Rather than try to push for a co-ordinated effort to re-establish the national priorities he seems to share with the Liberals, on a week that will see the government pushed to the brink, Layton's claim to success was the announcement Monday that former Liberal MP Françoise Boivin is the NDP's new candidate in the Gatineau region. Stephane Dion at the helm of the Liberals might be the weakest leader of any major Canadian political party in a century, but it is Layton's apparent determination to keep the Tories in power that must have Harper counting his blessings.
  17. I think that's the one I went to...still very tasty. Oh did I mention that already?
  18. Wasn't there some deal, like 3 for $5 or something?
  19. Went there today for the first time in years, were they always $3 each? The shop has been renovated into a little restaurant with an expanded menu. Still tasty though...
  20. Hux

    camping gear

    Ask some of the independent gear stores if MEC is like Walmart, enjoying their special co-operative tax status and pricing them out of the market...
  21. Surprised they passed over one of my favourite '77 shows: Moody Coliseum (SMU), Dallas, TX (10/15/77) Or as I call it (because of the post Stella finale) Bobfest '77... Bertha Good Lovin' They Love Each Other Mama Tried Big River Ramble on Rose Looks Like Rain Peggy-O Let it Grow Samson and Delilah Sunrise Terrapin Station St. Stephen Not Fade Away Stella Blue Sugar Magnolia Truckin' One More Saturday Night
  22. Hux

    Earth Hour

    EXACTLY - how can Bobby be "like and angel, standing in a shaft of light" if there is no actual shaft of light?
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