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Everything posted by Hux

  1. That dude in the video re-juiced the pulp eh? interesting. Non-mastication juicers - centrifugal - are marketed as being easier as you can just toss a whole apple or whatever it, but the juice is inferior as there is more air in the juice and it doesn't keep.
  2. After shopping around and comparing the various juicers, I bought an Omega 8003. It was $300+ tax, you could likely find them a bit cheaper. It was either that or a Champion (both are masication juicers which I think is key), I opted for the Omega as I believe you can juice more leafy greens (wheatgrass, etc) than the Champion and it runs quieter, but they are both excellent high quality juicers with good warrantys etc. One of the best purchases I've ever made, it's been 6 months and I've used it almost every morning, clean up is a breeze and the health benefits are through the roof. I started with fruit and veg juice but am getting more hardcore now juicing mostly leafy green veg, broccoli even - you're drinking life!
  3. Similarly, I bought a juicer back in August and we start the day with a glass of organic ginger, carrot, chard, collard, kale, beet, cabbage. Great way to start the day - I lost weight and have tons of energy (and believe it or not - it tastes great).
  4. Go back to fucking Vancouver.
  5. Why don't you start some more threads?
  6. Are Torontonians really "Canadian" though? They're more like wannabe New Yorkers without the balls if you ask me...
  7. You Torontonians just hold tight - the army is on stand-by...
  8. People feeling a little sluggish after nero weekend - I can't imagine why?!?!? That's why I stayed home and watched porn.
  9. I suspect Henri: "Bouchey - I'm going to steeel your circuit board"
  10. Sweet blog. Anyone see that TV show "Tribute Bands"? They profile the good/bad/ugly Tribute Bands, I saw the Queen episode and couldn't believe how this one British guy could do Freddy - if you closed your eyes you'd swear it was him. Here's they are, check out these audio clips - crazy...
  11. Good watch , it's a bit ugly though... (there's some other killer vids on that site too)
  12. She reminds me of Maya Angelou:
  13. Terrible news guys, it reeks to me of an inside job, did you call the cops?
  14. Looks like she is a member at the last gym in town that allows smoking.
  15. Hold on. Wouldn't he just have "butt"? he already is a plubmer, ie. everyone who's not a plumber has "plumber's butt" if their ass is hanging out, but for plumbers - it's normal "butt" no? (I feel a bit like bradm)
  16. Yes, I have previously seen a picture of him.
  17. HBD LR! And stop poking me on Facebook, it's starting to creep me out
  18. The GD versions of Easy Answers were brutal with the horrible Wince and early-onset rigamortus Garcia backing vocals... I think the song has improved a lot...
  19. I still like Mississippi Half-Step.
  20. Thanks. And here I thought we were friends.
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