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Everything posted by StoneMtn

  1. Link to send note to Canadian Government
  2. Oh, okay. I guess the word just keeps getting used, despite that.
  3. A court was convinced a no contact order was appropriate after reviewing the circumstances. I gave you one example of when that would happen. In every case that such an order is handed down, someone had to convince a court it was appropriate under the circumstances, such as the example I gave you. How many scenarios do you need me to prove it in?
  4. That's brilliant. How could anyone argue with that? ... Unless even the most basic example were considered... ... for instance, a woman is tortured by a man for years. She escapes. He continues to call her, send her letters, drive by her house... She can't sleep. She is afraid to go out. She fears for her children... Ultimately she gets a court order, after years of hell. The court order says he cannot contact her. She finally begins to feel safe. She logs into Facebook. He's poked her. She should just get over it, eh? Just block his account and move on.
  5. He was not charged with murder (aka homicide in Canada).
  6. I have no way of knowing what you are referring to. You are speaking very vaguely about something specific. It makes it difficult to clarify things. Who are these lawyers? Which laws? What discussions?
  7. Nope. Not good ones who like to win. If you're referring to the odd anomalous contractual interpretation case, in which punctuation is found to matter, that is the exception. In almost any case that someone tries to skirt the "spirit" of a court order by way of an overly restrictive interpretation, though, the court will tend to find in favour of the wider interpretation.
  8. ... and although BradM just explained why this is obviously contact, consider this: Is poking someone not something more than "no contact". Of course. Judges don't generally go for overly-restrictive semantical distinctions.
  9. Let's put this in perspective. She was busted for a breach of a court order not to contact this person. It really doesn't matter whether it is a phone call, Facebook poke, or singing telegram. She violated the court order by contacting the person. Big Brother comments are not applicable here. It was simply enforcement of a court order, as in any other case.
  10. I wish I could say this type of thing is limited to the academic life.
  11. They've had a bit of a lineup change; and so far I think I like their old sound better, but here's their current album, so see what you think: http://www.themotet.com/digdeep/motet-dig.deep.zip
  12. http://www.timeforclimatejustice.org/
  13. Sorry what was the news again? I'm having trouble reading this site off my Blackberry, right now, while I drive.
  14. YoursTruly, Dr. Evil Mouse hit the nail on the head. No one needs, or should have, nuclear arms. Nuclear power-plants, at least, have utility. Nuclear missiles just destroy the planet.
  15. At his age, anything can turn serious pretty quickly. I could see him getting more hurt from falling, though, than from a little indigestion. Anyway, it's terrible news (especially because he was only on stage, touring, to make a living after all his money was stolen). I hope he bounces right back.
  16. I'll bet the person sitting next to him would be pretty thrilled; and I presume he'd at least have a wireless mic.
  17. I'm a general litigator. I have a pretty large part of my practice dedicated to defamation, but I also litigate in a crazily varied number of areas. I do, practically, no criminal law - the occasional favour, but few and far between.
  18. You mean this topic continued, even though we cannot possibly know the "entire story", other than what is reported, yet? People are still posting opinions? Oh no. Davey Boy must be very upset.
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