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Everything posted by StoneMtn

  1. StoneMtn

    Vibe Bank

    Sounds like someone needs to make a vibe withdraw. You may need to show some sympathy here. Often, people with little creativity tend to denigrate others' ideas. It isn't entirely their fault. They just have nothing else to say, and like to take part in others' discussions; so they just espouse negativity. I generally just pat them on the head, smile, and nod.
  2. Right! That was the online name of this helpful person. Thanks!
  3. I just heard a rumour that the Bret Fulsom Band is "reuniting" (again) and playing the Ottawa Folk Fest this year. Anyone know if that's true?
  4. It was the ever-helpful "Lex", which is actually her real first name but I can't remember the online name she used. She was assisting me with my posting abilities. I was most appreciative.
  5. Oh! Happy birthday! Look at that - 25 minutes to go. Just under the wire!
  6. The day has arrived! This should be interesting. I can't imagine how an acoustic show is going to be turned up to eleven, and I question whether my ear-drums will actually bleed.
  7. Aaaah. Okay. So, it is a Thursday. Too bad.
  8. But isn't the 6th a Thursday? Is mine the only calendar that says that?
  9. It appears to be a Thursday, though.
  10. I am so sickened by this... Link
  11. Today, one of my "Friends" became a "Fan" of "Not Throwing Up On Yourself". Fair enough. I generally aim toward others.
  12. Songs For a Sleepy Sunday Afternoon 1. Sky Blue Sky - Wilco 2. Day Tripper - Beatles 3. Furr - Blitzen Trapper 4. Farther on Down the Road- Taj Mahal (not the Clapton song) 5. Late For Church - D.B.T 6. Morning Glory - Lizz Wright 7. Harris Fetch Thy Mare - Stan Rogers 8. Blue Nile - Mulatu Astatke and The Heliocentrics (the album this is from is amazing!) 9. Shenandoah - Tony Rice 10. Lazin' On a Sunny Afternoon - The Kinks 11. 12.
  13. The show's not until July 27, and unfortunately it's a Monday. I won't be there. Too bad, too, because I believe I will be up in that 'hood on the 26th for "Muskoka Jam", but I won't be able to stay. At least I have learned that I should look into some tunes by this guy; despite his unfortunate name. I'm glad I posted this topic, actually.
  14. Thank you for all who posted bashing Facebook. That was really not the intent of this Topic. I may have mentioned here that I do like Facebook. I just find some things people do on there to be a bit weird.
  15. Yesterday in Muskoka, I saw this ad posted: "Coming to Gravenhurst: Legendary jazz pianist, Dick Hyman." Seriously? Mr. Hyman goes by "Dick"; not "Richard" / "Rick" / "Ricky"? Imagine this guy introducing himself: "Dick Hyman, pianist." "Ummmmm ... What three words did you just say to me?"
  16. Did I say I reconnected with high school friends? Did I say I graduated from high school?
  17. Okay, I don't bash Facebook. In fact, I like it and have reconnected with many old friends that way, who have been scattered all over the world. That said, sometimes people are just weird on there. Today, one of my Facebook "Friends" became "A Fan of Not Being On Fire". If I can be a fan of that, I can think of no end of things I'm a fan of. - fan of not drowning - fan of not getting my tongue stuck in a blender - fan of not having my stomach rubbed with a cheese-grater - ...
  18. A different company supplies the beef to Canadian McDonalds anyway. Caravelle Foods. They have only one customer.
  19. I've only ever been in one thunder/lightning/snowstorm. It was weird, and in Vancouver of all places, where drivers thought the best approach to this was hitting their accelerators harder. Is that what the word means?
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