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Everything posted by StoneMtn

  1. Okay, I think my decision will depend on how much I feel like going out on Saturday. It sounds like a potentially decent-time. As peace lizard alluded to, I am a new father and don't get much opportunity to go out these days. As it happens, though, my mother lives in the Muskokas so I have a captive babysitter on Saturday, which is why I'm sort of looking for something to do. peace lizard: Being a Dad rocks. Vanessa is doing great, and the pets are being great with her. I can't wait for you to meet her. (Can you believe I'm in charge of the life of another human being? Who woulda thought?)
  2. New Rider also has poofy hair? Cool!
  3. Hmmmm. Interesting. I've meant to see The Spades for a few years anyway. I suspect phishtaper has a point about Sam Roberts, which is why I asked if he's too poppy, but options are slim in the Muskokas when it comes to nightlife, so I'm pretty lenient at the moment, and flexible on who I might be willing to see on Saturday. Anyone else see him?
  4. This is very cool M.O.B.E. Congratulations on the career-move. It sounds like the right direction. I suspect it is just a matter of time before I will need to retain your services. I am keeping this in mind, for sure, and will also mention this to others. Do you specialize in any style of food?
  5. I think I've seen him play at some huge shows, like maybe Sarstock and/or Live 8 or something. I seem to recall he's actually pretty cool, and Canadian (which I always like). I really don't remember anything about his performance, though, other than that I think he has poofy hair. As it happens, he's playing in Bala this Saturday, and I'm going to be there, anyway. I was thinking of possibly hitting up this show for something to do. Has anyone seen him? Is he too "poppy"? I'm listening to a sample song from his site, and he sounds pretty cool, with a bit of a Beta Band sound. Anyone have any comments from seeing him live?
  6. The ruling had some very unkind words to say about the Crown and some of the evidence it failed to disclose as well as a photo that was taken in an intentionally "misleading" manner. This was very uncool-ly handled 50 years ago, to say the least.
  7. You'd better resist those "natural tendencies" of yours. I told you long ago that you ain't gettin' a piece of this sweet ass, no matter how much you beg!
  8. #262 Songs with kick ass slide guitar solos. Request: Only one Duane Allman solo allowed. 1. The Allman Brothers Band - Dreams 2. Morphine - Honey White 3. Ben Harper - Burn to Shine 4. Hound Dog Taylor - Gimme Back My Wig 5. Johnny Winter - Highway 61 6. Led Zeppelin - In My Time Of Dying 7. Elmore James - Dust My Broom 8. David Sylvian - Orpheus (by Phil Palmer, beautiful, maybe not "kick-ass) 9. Jackson Delta - Lookin' Back 10. 11. 12. (I'm resisting posting Freebird by White Cowbell Oklahoma, because it is really a different part of the guitarist's anatomy out there to be "kicked", when he does his particular version live with a JD bottle as a slide, as opposed to being a "kick ass" solo as this category requires. lol )
  9. Hey, thanks. AM and Ollie. I will sink my teeth (ears?) into some of those tunes right now. (Circle Jerks Disc still won't work. That might be a good thing.)
  10. That's cool then. If there's a forum talking about repairs going on, then I'm sure it'll work itself out soon enough. I just wanted some new tunes for work today, but alas I will just muddle through with whatever is already on my hard drive. (Maybe I'll try to get this apparently-corrupted Circle Jerks CD that I have sitting here to work, again. Ya. That'll spice up this office today. )
  11. I keep trying to find music on the Internet Archive, and keep getting error messages, indicating dead links. This has been going on since yesterday. Is there something wrong with The Archive? Does anyone know?
  12. I like Facebook. It has allowed me to reunite with friends I lost track of twenty or more years ago, usually because they moved far away and we lost touch. I'll be seeing one of those friends for the first time in 15 years tonight. When people who were never my friends send me a "Friend Request", I decline it. It really isn't a big deal. Of course, the similarities between jambands.ca and facebook.com are many, but Facebook provides the advantage of allowing you to decide who can access your page, whereas this site lacks that. Otherwise, they're pretty similar. I just find Facebook much better for reuniting with long, lost friends; although this site has allowed me to do that a little bit. It's all the same thing, with advantages and disadvantages. (Of course, no one on Facebook has ever said anything to me that made me need to leave Facebook out of irritation, but that is all part of being able to limit who your "Friends" are, which you just can't do on a message board, other than using the "Ignore" function, which just leaves you curious about what may be being said that you aren't reading.) I like Facebook. For those who don't, it's easy enough not to type that URL into their computers. Problem solved.
  13. I would be more interested than I can say with proper enthusiasm in text. I've seen Garaj many times, and they are an incredible band with a fantastic show. Bring 'em!
  14. Happy birthday, my friend.
  15. Okay, well you don't have to ask me twice. As it happens, most of the really good photos are on a digital camera and since we aren't home they are not yet viewable. The following, though, are the few photos taken from a cam-phone, including the three you saw above, and a few from this morning. Link
  16. A bit of a rough morning, today. Vanessa is now under sun-lamps to treat a little jaundice. She's not such a happy girl right now, and she and Mom'll have to stay one more night. ... and Daddy must go to Court tomorrow. Ugh!
  17. Well, I can't resist posting just one more photo of Vanessa Moira, taken this evening... ... and I will now try to lay off you guys, and resist being one of those irritating new-parents who force photos of their child on others.
  18. Be careful what you suggest, my friend. I was surprised to learn that I would have to be the voice of reason in our household, the day I suggested naming our future-daughter (now current-daughter) "Zappa", and Lassie thought it was a pretty good idea!
  19. Um thanks SP, I think. It's always nice to be complimented on scoring such a hot wife, while still being kept modest by a friend who also reminds you you're full of sh...
  20. Thanks for the good wishes everyone. Lassie and Vanessa are doing great, although we won't be discharged from hospital until Thursday, as this delivery was not without its complications. Parenthood ... scary stuff. What next; adulthood? (Perish the thought.) Photo of Lassie and Vanessa less than an hour post-birth: Vanessa this morning:
  21. [color:purple]Yes. That was my point. I am glad you are intelligent enough to understand. Well done. By the way, I think it was only you who mentioned "kicking the shit" out of anyone. I simply don't speak like that, and that was not even what I was implying.
  22. Wow. Did I already mention I hate people?
  23. Personally, I couldn't care less about the Police, but it seems that other people here actually do. If I'm right about that, and someone wants it, here's a copy of their recent show in Vancouver. Apparently it's all one .mp3 (I haven't listened to it) which is sort of lame, but I'm sure someone could break up the tracks if someone wanted to do so.
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