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Everything posted by StoneMtn

  1. 1. Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds - Papa Won't Leave You, Henry #227 - In honour of the day that is almost over, and to not interfere with theme #65 (songs about mothers), let's make this "Songs about Parents." Doesn't have to be the title, but the theme of the song, lyrically. 1. Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds - Papa Won't Leave You, Henry 2. Neutral Milk Hotel - King of Carrot Flowers Pt 1 3. Nomeansno - Dad 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
  2. 1. Pretenders - Mystery Achievement 2. John R. Butler - God Will fuÇk You Up 3. Metallica - Orion 4. H.N.I.C. - Blue Mitchell 5. Days of You - Monkey 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
  3. Are you sure Starbucks doesn't allow unions? I am almost positive that my ex-girlfriend in Vancouver, when I dated her in 1998, was in a union while she worked at Starbucks. She was also a huge proponent of the company and the fact that it treated her and other workers extremely well, including providing many benefits. I have never read anything on this topic, so the only knowledge I have is from my ex and what she used to say, but that was her opinion as I remember it. (She is no dummy, either. She was a child-prodigy who entered university at the age of 16, and has since developed an international following of her philosophical writings and online blogging.)
  4. Ya, p.p. the interface right now is kind of lame. You have to click on one of the dates on the calendar that is highlighted, meaning there's a show already inputted there. You will then go to a screen that lets you check out other months and dates. I have already registered my complaint about this lame interface with the management ...and BradM, I think you nailed your problem on its head, too. You were probably already on one of your manically awesome highs when you posted to the calendar. Try posting on a dreary, foggy day when you are particularly stressed at work. You'll see ... you'll feel much better after you do.
  5. So, we finally have an "official" concert-calendar up on this board, setting out the important events coming up regionally. So far, we've bundled Western Canada together into one calendar. Skanks are encouraged to add "jammy" (or musically-cool) events to this calendar, by using the "Add Post" option, and then going on to use the "Manage Event" function. Check out the new calendar here. Add something to it. It'll make you feel good. ~sm
  6. Bump... (I'm bumping this onto the first page, as I am sure there are many of you who would wish J-Roc a happy birthday, if only you hadn't missed seeing this thread.)
  7. The good thing about wishing Jared a "belated" birthday, is that he's always a little bit behind anyway. I'm sure he is only now realizing that this is his birthday-week. In fact, I'm willing to bet this thread is the first he's heard about it...
  8. Brotha! I believe I missed your birthday yesterday. That is terrible of me. Rip it up this weekend. Happy birthday!
  9. StoneMtn


    I added an event in June, but I can't seem to look at the June calendar. Will it not ever be possible to look at months other than the current month?
  10. That may or may not be right. I think it comes down to the question as to whether or not this doctor met the accepted standards of a competent physician when making the diagnosis.
  11. Well, Alberta is the reggae-hub of the world, isn't it? lol
  12. I highly recommend getting on upstreamentertainment.com and going with some of those freaks. If you can get in with Spudly or Lofft, I'd recommend it; or else Garth, Dancin' Fool, or Scoobie Dobbie Hughie would also be good choices.
  13. Really, eh? The last time I saw the Rebels must have been 1986, and I went home (happily) with a black eye. I may be in for this.
  14. "John Prine Live" is a great double-album, with lots of his hits (and of course it's live).
  15. No, I missed the Toronto show; ironically because I was visiting Whistler are the time (for the Telus Ski and Snowboard Fest lol). I forgot about that other Boot Pub show. I think I was there. I don't know why I wouldn't have been.
  16. Bump for next week's Whistler show. (Kostaman's some fun roots-reggae too; never seen outside of Whistler as far as I know. I recommend picking up his CD.)
  17. Time to bump this back onto page 1.
  18. It sure is nice when hate brings people together. Pure beauty.
  19. There was a festival going on in Whistler, but that just means that bands were brought to play for free, each day. It was nothing like the Big Summer Classic (and I don't know about Ottawa). The "festival" was a ski/snowboard festival, dedicated to sports and sporting events, not a music festival. That day there was a single show, with Flowmotion opening for Umphrey's. It's not as though a series of bands was playing that day, or a bunch of stages were going on or anything like that. It was an opening band and a headliner, which I consider a solo-concert (the only difference being that no concert-goer paid Umphrey's to watch them play). I get your point, though. It just sounds like splitting hairs. Anyway, no worries; I was really just curious.
  20. I knew a guy who actually had a similar experience as the last one you posted. It's a long chain of events, but in a nutshell he was on his way back to Canada driving a car. The car belonged to someone else, and the guy I know was carrying someone else's ID (because he is not allowed into the States). The guy was also not licensed to drive, and funnily enough that was also the case for the person who loaned him the ID under which he was travelling, so the guy I know was only carrying that other guy's birth certificate. So.... if you're following, this guy pulls up to the border in someone else's car, with a further person's birth certificate, and neither the guy driving nor the guy who actually owns the birth certificate are allowed to drive. Border Patrol looks into the car, and sees only a guitar. That is all he had with him; no luggage, nothing. "Citizenship?" "Canadian" "Do you have anything to declare?" "I have nothing at all with me, other than my guitar." "Do you know any Neil Young?" (This guy was in a Neil Young cover band, coincidentally enough.) "Yes, I do." "Play me a Neil Young song." (he does) "You're free to go. Welcome home."
  21. I ride a Sector 9 longboard. YATS: Go for Giggles' offer. You'll be glad you did.
  22. What does it mean "first full solo concert"? Didn't the outdoor show in Whistler last year count? Did it not count because it was only one set? It sure seemed like a full, solo concert to me, and others who were there.
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