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Everything posted by StoneMtn

  1. I refuse to believe that hot chicks fart. You will never convince me otherwise. I am taking this idea to my grave.
  2. NOW I remember why I didn't go to that. I have been kicking myself for 15 years for failing to attend one of those One-Day-Cross-Canada-Tour shows. I remember now, though. I was in Ottawa, and it was Canada Day. I had to prioritize. In retrospect, though, I probably made the wrong choice. 15 minutes in Molson Park with the Tap would have been much more memorable than whatever it is I did that day in Ottawa.
  3. Velvet: Go to this show. They are crazy pretend-southern-rednecks, with wailing guitars. They have a theory that if one lead guitar is cool, and dual leads are even cooler, then the more lead guitarists the better. They have been known to have upwards of 30 lead guitarists on stage. One of them is also known for standing completely naked while two hot girls hold his guitar for him. He uses his "appendage" inside a JD bottle as a slide, and does the Freebird solo. They also bring strippers and generally slutty women to dance and auction off their t-shirts and things. There may also be cannons and chainsaws. Go to this, but wear ear-plugs as they are unnecessarily loud.
  4. hahahahaha. You see, AD, the goal here was to get myself out of trouble; not into deeper kaka...
  5. It looks like I'd better make a quick run to a florist...
  6. The Scum of the Earth episode was brilliant. "We are actually Hoodlum-Rock, which is a few levels below Punk-Rock." "What's the difference?" "Well, Punk-Rock bands don't usually physically attack their audiences."
  7. Pat Metheny. I can't believe it, but my mother (who has no musical taste at all, which is why this is so weird) used to listen to Pat Metheny in her car when she drove me places as a kid. I thought it was so annoying. To say the least, I've changed my opinion of him, since.
  8. Toots and the Maytals was great fun this afternoon; albeit too short. Slackstring is pretty good. At times they're really good. I'd call them a pretty standard Grateful Dead influenced jamband.
  9. So, I'd heard mixed reviews about Toots' shows. I think I caught a good one. It was short, maybe a total of one hour, but some great roots-reggae and a little soul, too. I had fun, and it's great to see a legend for free.
  10. 17. Songs about (not by) traffic 1. Jimmy Swift Band - Road Rage 2. James Taylor - Traffic Jam 3. Phish - Slave to the Traffic Light 4. Jimi Hendrix - Crosstown Traffic 5. The Spoons- The Romantic Traffic 6. The Nip Drivers - Nip Driver 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
  11. Songs about blood. 1. Give Blood - Pete Townshend 2. If You Want Blood - ACDC 3. Bob Dylan - Blood In My Eyes* 4. Rolling Stones - Let it bleed 5. Alice Cooper - Only Women Bleed 6. The Misfits - Wolf's Blood 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12
  12. Hey, thanks Slippy! If Karina is into it, I may check this out. Very cool.
  13. That is true, but those offers are usually introductory rates for 3 months or so. Mine was a permanent interest rate.
  14. The cheapest interest rate I ever got was with MBNA Canada. They don't give you any Air Miles or points or anything, but I managed to get them down to an interest rate of 9.99% which is basically unheard-of for a credit card. It takes some effort, though, and you'll need to talk to supervisors and managers and things.
  15. Hmmmmm. Maybe worth a drive over from Toronto to Montreal. They're always fun, and it's been a couple years since I saw them last. Perhaps. (But I'm still being optimistic about Toronto, much like MarcO.)
  16. Hey DJMelba; It looks like the Mark Robertson show won't be happening. I have to head up to Campbell River tomorrow. Ah well. Any music venues there? (I'm doubting it.)
  17. Stephen Marley was fantastic yesterday. You could close your eyes and hear Bob. This is the Marley kid to watch, in my opinion. Great time.
  18. This was a fun show last night. It didn't get started until well after midnight, and was over by 1:30, but it was one helluva kickass 75 minutes or so. Great band; great time.
  19. I have no idea who Mark Robertson or Bullfrog are, but I think I might do that. When I get to Parksville tomorrow night I'll figure it out, and let you know via this thread. I'd like to meet you in person anyway.
  20. I'm in Whistler right now, but I'll be in Qualicum Beach on Monday until Thursday morning. Can anyone tell me anywhere to see a band play in that area of the Island? MelbaToast perhaps?
  21. bokonon: What is the nature of the work you want to publish? I have a book coming out next month, or so, but it's academic in nature. My publisher would only be of help for something non-fiction and likely relating to law in some way. I do, however, have a friend whose books of short stories are published all over the world. I don't know that he would be of great help, but I could certainly email him and ask some questions for you. You can PT me about this if you want.
  22. I, for one, wish that was actually true.
  23. I'm glad you went, and even more glad you enjoyed it. (Translation ... "bump" for anyone who missed this thread.)
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