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Everything posted by StoneMtn

  1. It's completely offensive. It is one of the few places in society wherein a person with no official authority advises you that you have a choice to, either, undergo a physical search or leave. This only happens AFTER you have paid, so you stand to lose money if you refuse the search. Apart from being arrested, or boarding a plane, there is no other time in our society in which a regular citizen has to allow another to place their hands all over them. Further, it is not done in this case for safety reasons. If that were the issue, they could simply use a metal-detector. I see it as a completely unwarranted abuse of authority; and absolutely offensive. If I owned The Opera House, I would be embarrassed by that policy.
  2. Seriously consider seeing What the Thunder Said this Saturday. I'll be there, almost definitely.
  3. 06/25/07 House of Blues, San Diego, CA w/ Barry Mitterhoff 06/27/07 Great American Music Hall, San Francisco, CA w/ Barry Mitterhoff 06/29/07 The Fillmore, San Francisco, CA w/ Barry Mitterhoff 06/30/07 Kate Wolf Memorial Music Festival, Laytonville, CA w/ Barry Mitterhoff 07/02/07 Aladdin Theater, Portland, OR w/ Barry Mitterhoff 07/03/07 Triple Door, Seattle, WA w/ Barry Mitterhoff
  4. I've known people to go over to that house on Haight, to look around. The last time I had friends go there was about 10 years ago, but at that time the long-time resident of the house was this rasta. Apparently, he figured out that if people came to his door to look around, on the basis that they were fans of this old band that used to live there, he would do well to let them in; as he discovered he was invariably "rewarded" when he did so.
  5. I'll PT you by tomorrow, for sure. Can I please reserve two, though, until I confirm tomorrow? (My home computer is not working, or I would tell you tonight.) Well done, my friend!
  6. Wow! Capacity 72??? I'm looking into this tonight, for sure. How would a person go about getting tickets, short of driving to Oshawa to pick them up?
  7. Hey, very cool M.O.B.E. You and I just might meet. (I can't confirm yet, as I must ask "permission" from the powers that be at home, but that sounds great!) What sort of venue? Will this be an 8:00 pm start in a theatre, or an 11:00 pm start in a bar?
  8. That place is unbelievable. I've gone through less security at airports.
  9. I don't think I can help, but I also think that you need to provide some more information before someone else can help. What area is she looking to live in? Downtown? Scarborough? West end? Does she want to live in a building or a suite in a house? Does her building have to have a doorperson? Security? I think that if you give some more information, you're more likely to get a reasoned reply. Just a suggestion. Best of luck to her with her search.
  10. So, you will note that the title of this changed to included a date in Nelson. Raq will play Nelson on March 11 (Venue TBA).
  11. Actually, I just noticed that Zilla will also be in Nelson on April 15 (Venue TBA).
  12. But wait! There's more. I just noticed that these brilliant musicians will also be playing the Island... Feb 22 2007 Waverly Hotel - Cumberland, BC Feb 23 2007 Legion - Tofino, BC
  13. There are tens of thousands of lawyers who would agree with you.
  14. BC is not a no-fault system, like Ontario. From what the DJ has told us, it would be the other driver's liability, thus the other driver's insurance, that would cover this.
  15. Not really embarrassing, but perhaps atypical... My wife and I got together after being recruited by a mutual friend to assist in "retrieving" her dog from the home of her former boyfriend; not exactly with his cooperation. (We knew each other before that, but never dated and hadn't spoken in 7 years.)
  16. Given that he started this thread to inquire about the Canadian equivalent to the ACLU, I suspect he is familiar with the ACLU.
  17. I can't say for sure, but I suspect he has access to the Internet.
  18. Too bad you didn't make it QQC. I don't know what they're like these days, but I saw them open for Motorhead in 87 (I think) at The Masonic Temple (aka The Concert Hall) in Toronto. INCREDIBLE! The guy I was with had his shirt torn right off his back, so I loaned him my newly purchased Motorhead shirt. I should really look that guy up to get that back...
  19. You too? I've generally made an effort over my life to "love" as many of them as possible.
  20. I think I was at this. Was this part of a run of shows in Toronto, Ottawa, and then Montreal? Is this a recording by Weirdness? (If it is, one of the flaws is my fault, because I plugged my deck into his system that night, and we figured out shortly after the show started that my deck was messing up the recording for both of us, so we unplugged it.) I also recall my car literally melting on my way to do this mini-tour. I was living in Toronto and drove to the Ottawa show with my car acting really weird and overheating. I had a feeling that if I went on to Montreal my car would not be returning to Toronto. I skipped Montreal and headed home, and my engine was about a milliion degrees by then. It seized and could never be started again. Aaaaaah ... the memories.
  21. Oh, you guys are in for a treat tonight! If I had a favourite band, this could be it.
  22. I used to belong to the British Columbia Civil Liberties Association, and I believe they were affiliated with the Ontario Civil Liberties Association. The BC Branch, though is among the most active of any of them in Canada. Let me know the reason you're asking, and I could most likely hook you up. (I actually don't know about the CCLA, which Brad posted about, although I expect that is the group I thought was called the Ontario Civil Liberties Association.)
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