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Everything posted by StoneMtn

  1. Make it happen Jaydawg. If you do, I'm in. Friday night show; sweet!
  2. Ha! Playing dirty pays off! Alabama, I am still at the office, and don't see myself leaving any time soon. DBT will not happen for me tonight. PTing you an address right now, and THANK YOU!
  3. Never forget it. That's right; one more post right here.
  4. Given my reverence for Neil, I thought I'd just post this second time. Just doubled my odds.
  5. Just a bump to remind people that the first Maritime show is tomorrow, and then you've got Don in your 'hood until the 23rd. See him while you can!
  6. They will. Chris Berry is the ultimate frontman for any band (Slow Nerve Action, Duran Duran Duran, Jackfruit, and one-off shows along the way with others.) The band is so tight it is incredible. To me (and I know people will argue) they remind me of Mr. Bungle. Everyone needs to see this band, and they really deserve support.
  7. Gross! (I'm not here to make judgments on your sexual orientation huli, but ... well ... Ewwwww!)
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