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Everything posted by StoneMtn

  1. Ohhhh! That's hilarious. Someone here (I think Willy, perhaps?) once recommended that I check out his solo stuff, because Lassie is a huge Soul Coughing fan. I meant to do that, but never actually did get around to doing so ... er ... or so I thought ... lol
  2. Carstairs hooked me up with some of his music. I had two discs in a 110 disc CD changer, on shuffle for months. Every time his songs would come up (nearly every time) I found myself asking "Who is this? This is awesome!" and going to check my disc player to learn it's Mike Doughty. Good stuff, for sure; although I know virtually nothing about him.
  3. Except it's not correct. Can you elaborate Asparagus? It sounds like you know something about this; and I'm curious.
  4. Penis severed off with a butcher knife Only to be sewn on again A permanent notch on his crotch Will it ever stiffen again? He better keep it in his pants this time Or he might lose it for good Now he's doing porno films Does anybody care for sausage? Throbbing Johnny Bobbitt Throbbing Johnny lost it She lopped it off while it was throbbing Bobbitt, Bobbitt She lopped it off while it was throbbing Stop it!
  5. This is sold out, but the word is that tickets will be released tonight at the door.
  6. That would probably have been the end of the matter. The Crown could have appealed, but it would have been for entirely different reasons than the appeal here. The point of this judgment is that the jury is the ultimate decision-maker as to guilt or innocence, but the trial judge usurped the jury's role. If the judge had left the decision-making to the jury, that would have been the way things were supposed to have worked, and the Crown would have had to appeal for some other reason (or simply accept the judgment if there were no "errors of law" and no "failure to weigh facts that were in evidence"). You can't appeal just because you don't like the result.
  7. Well, I read that judgment this morning, and it was really more of a comment on judicial practice than anything particularly relevant to the med-marijuana issue; in my view. Still, good news for the Appellant in this case, though.
  8. Oh ya ... one more integral song. "Pumpkin" by The Tummies (or perhaps the version when nero. teamed up with The Tummies to play it live).
  9. I guess it's sort of obvious, but hasn't yet been mentioned: "Roses are Free" - Ween (I think some other band might have covered it, too, but I hear they suck.) Oh, and of course anything by The Misfits or Samhain. Some specific songs were already mentioned here, but pretty much any of their songs will really fit the bill.
  10. I am trying to figure out why I get all teary-eyed reading this, but I do. You'd think this story would make me smile, and it does make me happy, but teary. Why is that? Any psychologists out there?
  11. Well, it is also correct. Spring is nice in Canada. Thanks for noticing.
  12. Bump ... tonight's their last night in the West.
  13. Bump ... Reminder 'bout tonight. I hear last night in Whistler was sold out, so get yer tickets now!
  14. Awesome. (Personally, I'm already looking to buy me a Smart, very soon.)
  15. Maybe the mayor simply hangs around with a group of young delinquents; skewing his perspective.
  16. Where is everyone's favourite Nazi, Walt Disney, on that list? Glad to see he didn't make it; just surprised.
  17. I seriously question this. I can imagine a situation in which a person could be deemed (temporarily) "incompetent" at law, and that would be grounds to deem the contract (and this is a contract) to be unenforceable. I suspect, though, that it would be a very high standard to show that, especially in a situation wherein the couple had been engaged for some time and always intended to seal the deal on the wedding day, even while sober. That being said, I'll certainly bear that theoretical loop-hole in mind...
  18. Well, as it happens I won't "own" my own floor until November 30 when I take possession of my new place. After that, though, plenty of crash space is available to anyone with the name Scully. See ya then CJ and DEM.
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