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Everything posted by StoneMtn

  1. That's what I was afraid of. Nothing like a "mountain" from which you can wave to people at the base from the peak! (I think I'm officially an ex-snowboarder now, apart from the odd trip out west, or maybe to Quebec.) PS Sorry for the thread-hijack. Done now. ... as you were ...
  2. Is it time to send in a regiment of Skanks to show 'em how it's done?
  3. Oh ya, that reminds me ... [color:purple]Where do you people keep your mountains for snowboarding?
  4. Y'know, weirdly enough, it seems that Nelson is somewhat "on the circuit" for good bands to play. They don't have a stampede of music like Toronto, or even like Vancouver, but I think you'd likely have good live toonz at your disposal, on average, every week or two. (At the very least, you could make yourself a nuisance and keep showing up at homes of members of Wassabi in Nelson, demanding live music or refusing to leave.) The Phunky one can confirm or refute the above for me (when he wakes up).
  5. Oh, I've been there. I dropped a friend off there, when he decided to move there following a trip when he stopped in Nelson for half a day, and people kept smiling at him on the street. I spent a few days. Love it there. I, too, will likely take you up on your offer.
  6. Thank you edger. I appreciate the offer. Very kind of you.
  7. Sorry, already entered. (Ive seen him far too often lately to pay for tickets for a weekday show, but for free tickets...)
  8. Wow, M.O.B.E.! I mean ... well ... WOW!
  9. In case anyone's interested, there is a brand new CPR Website that just went live online. Check it out. Send in some comments to The Peev. I know he'd love to hear 'em.
  10. Maybe so. That said, it would take me too long to list the voluminous number of bands that I also would not pay 50 bucks to see. That does not, however, mean that it is "insane" for those bands to charge that amount. (Brittany Spears comes to mind, as do a couple of "musicians" with names ending in Simpson...)
  11. That was exactly my point at the outset of this discussion when I said: "Democracy" is such a vague term, with so many different implementations, that the topic of this thread is too general for any reasoned discussion. I don't even think that is a controversial statement, either, in any way.
  12. Profound statement; actually. I can't recall who said it (although I'll betcha DEM will tell us within an hour) but some smart guy once said, "Democracy is the worst political system out there; except for all the others."
  13. Actually, so far I'm loving my time here. I do miss the mountains, and you are correct that the air here is not quite so pristine, but I've also seen Little Feat, Tom Petty, Kevin Breit and the Sisters, Caution Jam, and other shows; and I've only been in Toronto for really a couple weeks. (I was on the island of Bonaire most of this time, and before that was my wedding, etc.) Soooo... in a nutshell: Fun city, lacking in outdoor activities or a picturesque landscape, but lotsa good tunes! You're invited any time Phunk; of course. Mon futon est ton futon (when I'm no longer homeless in this city, of course, which will hopefully be soon).
  14. Not at all. Jack Black commands a huge fee for anything he does. This is not some unknown name coming out to play a gig. This is a person who could otherwise appear on Late Night or act in a movie, rather than play this gig. He is a full-fledged movie star / celebrity; like it or not. I'm willing to bet he'd make more money somewhere else that night, if he didn't want to play this gig just for the love of it.
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