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Everything posted by livingstoned

  1. apparently Beck will be on The Hour tonight. http://www.cbc.ca/thehour/
  2. You have got to be fucking kidding me?!?!? FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK!!! WHAT HE SAID! DAMN. what a great show can't believe the puppets. and the "puppet cam" ...best show I've seen in quite some time for sure. "Someone is yelling for us to play Rush" hehehehe mamapink - good to see you guys if only for a sec. Next time we'll have to ensure calendars are clear for pre/post activities!
  3. woohoo I'm leaving work now - not sure if there'll be even time to change - may just go straight for a drink! hehehe
  4. I'll be there by 6:30. When will you guys be there?
  5. WTF Willy I liked you! OK I changed my mind we will come but I'm not speaking to you or Mark.
  6. Yes last time Mark and I went to the Amphitheatre he parked nearby (not on the grounds) but off King somewhere - and there are a few bars around there. Anyone know where Corus is - right around those streets (dufferin, ontario, princess, etc) there are a few places.... parking on a residential street (meter still cheaper than ricoh) and walk through the go train station... anyone know what I'm talking about?
  7. woohoo, me - just got tickets!!!
  8. I ate Large Marge's roast beef dinner mmmmmmmmmmm NOW that was deliciously exciting. I had poutine and grill cheese for lunch - that was kind of exciting too.
  9. HAPPY BIRTHDAY - OTTAWA? oh so close to Toronto ??!! Hope to see or hear from you soon!
  10. hehehe I love that pic - although I was going for a sexy face - opps!
  11. Have I told you lately that I love you? Thank you everybody. Went pretty well I think. And if nothing else I've made that first move to get me back into job search mode. I've been with my company for 5 years now and although I've been saying for quite sometime that I need a new job it's always hard to leave the comfort level I have here and make that first move. Definitely my best interview yet Ok - fingers crossed. Thanks again skanks for the positive vibes - I may need them again for my 2nd interview
  12. [color:purple]sorry I don't support marijuana use for any reason...
  13. Woohoo I'm excited as well. Also my first time seeing him.
  14. woohoo I have an interview tomorrow - have been saying for quite some time now I need a new job - finally put some effort into it and look what happens. Scary stuff - I am terrible at interviews. Wish me luck I think I'll need all the help I can get.
  15. Holy crap so now we're talking Etobicoke to Oshawa. I'm not suggesting by any means there isn't a logical explanation I just have yet to find anything to suggest that one clap of thunder cover that distance with the same intensity throughout. I'm just sayin' although cyberhippie hasn't been around since he contacted airport authority and inquired about it - doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo (to the tune of the twilight zone) Anyway I vote meteor.
  16. Good work!! - and if you're right let me just say it was nice knowing you and you'll be missed!
  17. both definitly the more logical explainations versus the initial thought of it being thunder.... I'm just so curious to see what distance the noise really did cover.
  18. That's the way it was described by Q107 people. The only info I can find on it is Maureen Holloway's blog description of what she heard which is similar to your description AGAIN - CRAZY!!! I wish I heard it.
  19. I know Niagara Falls seemed to be a stretch and I didn't buy it - my guess is that emailer/caller was either adding fuel or there was thunder in that area at the same time However between the morning show people who were woken up by it and Basher that's west of Etobicoke, east of Leaside and north to Steeles! CRAZY
  20. Didn't hear it myself but according to my morning drive radio station - there was a very loud bang this morning at 4:15am - which of course on its own was thought to be thunder - however apparently it was heard in West of Etobicoke through to Leaside and later reported beyond and farther east - reportedly the "loudest bang" anyone has ever heard - no media knows or police/weather people have any reports as to what it could have been. Anyone else hear this? I mean there was definitely a thunder storm but has anyone ever heard of "the loudest thunder" ever heard being heard over such a large distance. Once they started talking about it this morning someone from Niagara Falls area contacted Q107 to say they heard the bang as well - crazy. I'm sure thunder but is it possible to have it cover such a large area? Just curious. Again I didn't hear it as I slip into a deep coma each night...just wondering if anyone heard it and can explain to me how loud it actually was?
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