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The Chameleon

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Posts posted by The Chameleon

  1. I feel for ya' REv. If you are interested I can put you on to my equipment insurance company. The are excellent and insure any instrument/equipment with a $50 deductable and there is no restriction on location and movement of said equipment. It's really worth it dude.

    PM me if you want the info.

    Sorry Bro' }:(

  2. [color:red]I recieved this link from a friend who knows of my deadication/addcition to the smooth..below is my response ...


    [color:mauve]This is perhaps the greatest gift I have ever received from a living entity. I will cherish this link forever and revel in its glory.

    THIS IS NOW MY FAVORite VIDEO EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!! Threre's is none hier!

    I am humbled in the presence of something so complete and so perfect.

    P.S. Post this link on the yacht rock message board stat!!!!!!!!!!

    I can die now.

    The Best Music Video in history

  3. I for one always loved Vince, never bashed him and coul'n understand why people didin't like his playing or tunes sometimes.

    i think he was an amazing player, great vocaslist and has wikkid tunes. He really was the the juice that gave the Grateful Dead thier last 5 years. He was always part of the family for me.

    If you go and look back at old newsclips from when Brent Midland took over for Kieth Godchaux, many of the same citicisms came up. The said : wea=k tunes, bad voice, not the best player. That all obviously bullshit!

    I think the Grateful Dead is jst so important to us that people are very quick to judge and fear change.

    Vince Welnick was always allright by me!

  4. He died of a broken heart because Bobby would let him back in the Dead.

    RIP Brah

    [color:red]OH My fuckin' god!! I am so shocked and bummed out all at once. I loved Vince and his tunes always brought a smile to my face a shows. I love "Way to go Home" & "Samba inthe Rain". He will be missed.

    What is even crazier is that on his web-site the site admisistrator (who knew vince well) airs a bunch of dirty launrdyabout the Dead. So bad :(}:(}:( I knew things were wierd when Vince never go to play in any Dead realted stuff. I always wondere why he wasn't invited.

    Well read this :


    [color:gray]Vince Welnick is gone. He was the sweetest human I have ever known. Kind, generous, funny and warm hearted. He was my friend. He was talented, so fucking talented. I was lucky to know him. So, damned lucky to know him and Lori. God bless you, Lori. I'm so, so sorry.

    Vince never got over the cruel way that the Grateful Dead band members treated him after Jerry died. He never got over the sorrow of losing Jerry, facing his own demons without his friend and could not understand how the remaining fellow band-members treated him like shit the past several years.

    I cannot possibly describe to you the hurt and anguish he felt when "The Dead" decided to have a "Family Reunion of the SURVIVING MEMBERS" of Grateful Dead, a band that he was no mere sideman for its last five years, but a full member of by order of Jerry Garcia. How damned insulting was it to have a "surviving members family reunion" and not invite your brother? Did it occur to you how that hurt him, Bill, Bob, Phil, Mickey? The truth is that you selfish bastards did not care if it hurt him. He's a big boy, he just had to get over it, right?

    I remember seeing Todd Rundgen at the "Walk Down Abbey Road" show in Concord, CA around the same time when that "Family Reunion" was booked. He asked how Vince was, and I told him about this "family reunion" concert of SURVIVING MEMBERS and how Vince was specifically not invited, but in fact was playing a gig at a campground not far from the show. Todd said, "Uh, Vince isn't dead, isn't he a surviving member?" He got the irony. I got the irony, but I also saw the hurt like none of you can believe. Vince kept a brave face about it, trying to remain cheerful, hoping that somehow, someday the tide would turn, the phone would ring and it would be Bob Weir calling him. Calling just to say, "How are you, Vinny?" Something. Anything.

    I am certain that Jerry would have been completely disgusted with the terrible, cruel and despicable way that Vince was treated by the band, the management, etc. following his death. The lack of compassion displayed toward him, the ostracizing he felt burned and hurt Vince very deeply. He was a sensitive, sweet soul. He just couldn't handle the rejection. He and I spent hours and hours talking about these things, trying to get the demons out, which led to him pouring out his heart when that show happened, right on this website.

    I told Vince to get his story out, tell everybody what happened on that Ratdog bus, tell them everything. Tell them how Bob and Ratdog sent him, having overdosed on the tour bus, to a hospital in the back of a taxi cab, without a friend in site, and had him checked in as John Doe, and played the show anyway. Tell them, Vince how you were despondent over facing life-threatening cancer, a simultaneous diagnosis of Emphysema, and instead of staying home to try to heal and get immediate surgery, how you chose to give the fans the ill-fated summer 95 Dead tour. Tell them how nobody in the band even acknowledged, though they damned well knew, that Vince was very sick.

    Tell them Vince, I said, how you didn't want to let the fans and the band down, and how eery it was on the tour knowing all these people who were your "friends" never asked how you were while on the road or even stepped aside with you to acknowledge that struggle you were facing. Tell everyone, Vince, how when you returned from the road, and Jerry was dead, how you were flung into the hell of depression facing lung disease, cancer and now your friend dying, and how you saw your world crash around you ever more when months later the band unceremoniously announced it was over. Tell them Vince, tell everyone and get the demons out.

    Even more amazing than the band being cold to him, I could never understand why so-called "dead heads" and "fans" spent hours coming into this site and fucking with Vince, taunting him, posting evil, nasty lies about him. I finally had to turn this into a registration-only website to help shield my friend from the cruelness that some people took sport in on the message boards. Vince could take a joke, he could take a lot, but he finally couldn't take any more.

    I had long, heart to heart talks with him for months before he told some of that story to you here, though not even close to all that detail. Vince didn't want to hurt the other guys, he just fucking wanted to play with them.

    Do you hear me, Phil? Do you hear me, Mickey? Do you hear me, Bobby? Do you hear me, Bill? That's all he fucking wanted, was to play music with you guys. He loved you and you fucking treated him like shit. To see your "heartfelt" message on Dead.net today sickens me to no end, you fucking bunch of lying hypocrites. There is nothing left to hold back on now. Is it so hard to return the man's phone calls? Is it so hard to understand what he went through back then and how far he had come since that dreadful night on that Ratdog bus? Where is the love? Where is the compassion? Hippy love? Bull-fucking-shit. You guys could have been nice to him, invited him along, not made him feel like an ass and like he was bugging you if he called. Are you happy, Cameron? Are you? Go fuck yourself.


    Vince Welnick Nasty Truth Link

    Im heartbroken by the fact that more of the Grateful Dead's leagcy is being erroded by the sad revelation of the truth... :(


  5. FUCK! that is pricey.

    And yes Derek Trucks is playing with him.

    I had really lost interest in EC since he went soft and started rehashing everything.

    But recently I listened to some live shows from this '06 tour with Derek Trucks and WOW!

    Sounds like Derek has lit a fire under Clapton. I really like the new band and it sounds way funkier and more driving than any recent EC I've heard. Very Derek & the Dominoes.

    I gotta see this show, just so fuckin' expensive. I mean can't they cover costs and all make money if we payed like $70 a ticket.

    Damn! It'll be worth it I'm sure.

  6. Not trying to get out the "hater aid", but my roomate bought this and I've heard the whole thing probably, 3 times and it's real boring. It's compitent, and it's not bad, it's just not that good.

    It's a bland 5 of 10. But then again I'd only consider myself a moderate Chili's fan anyways.

  7. A big thankyou form the Chameelon Project to all who came out and made our set and stay at CTMF as huge success. We had a wicked time playing and jamming in various project thorught the weekend. It was a wet one but the crowd was sturdy and enthusiatic. Can't wait to do it again. Great venue, just need better weather.



  8. "Only worry about what you can control in life...which isn't that much at all."

    "To make a mistake is human and acceptable, to realize the mistake and not rectify it, is to make another mistake."

    "Emotions and feeling are like the weather".

    "Exposing ones vulnerability makes it no longer vulnerable."

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