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The Chameleon

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Posts posted by The Chameleon

  1. [color:blue]Phil lesh replaceed Dana Morgan in the Warlock's after the Warlocks first few gigs at Magoo's Pizza Parlour in Menlo Park California.

    I think that, that makes Phils' first show 06/18/65 or somewhere around that date.

    I have some old '65 Warlock Magoo's tapes, really raw but fun as hell

  2. There is one Skank has made a direct song request of/to a member of the Dead at a Dead show and had that song played. Further, it was a show opener. Who was the Skank, which show (date & venue) was it, and what was the song?



    I'm totally guessing but was it Rory (Gratefully deadicated), asking Bobby to play Help/slip/Franklin a the Holloween Ratdog show at the Dock's in Toroto this year. Rory opened that show?


  3. 11-16-02

    Pepsi Arena

    Depending on how you are defining the 1st song, its either:



    Cold Rain and Snow

    Yeah i think you're right on the cold rain & snow opener. I was there and it was like crazy freezing rain and really cold. i was gonna say that but reconsidered as Brad's post talked about being behin in "the line". always trust your first mind.

    Incidetally I think that was the best post-dead show I've seen with any line up of the original members. really hot jams...Wow...

  4. OK, here's a personal one: I never saw The Grateful Dead. I did see The Other Ones, and in a fairly legendary venue for The Grateful Dead, except for it having been renamed after a corporation.

    The opening song, which I missed due to being delayed getting in by being too far back in line, was especially appropriate.

    Which (date and venue) show was it, and what was the opening song?

    Edit to add: I'm going to bed now, so I'll deal with the answers tomorrow morning.



    I'm Gonna guess and say, it was the Pepsi Arena (Formerly the Knickernocker), in Albany New York. And the song you missed was "Beat it on down the Line?" I think that was in 2002 or 2003.

  5. :):):):):):):);););) :blush: :blush: :(:(:( :crazy: :crazy: :o:o:o:o:P:P [color:red]Does TyPi[color:blue]Ing LIKE [color:purple]This make ME Seemm Car[color:orange]Z[color:brown]Y??? :( :crazy: :blush: }:(???

    Seriously it's all love, I just like rockin' different colours and bold makes it easier to read to me. That's all.

  6. First of all, you say in another thread that some change, a key and a bottle cap were found in Garcia's and now you are saying that Garcia was first in the studio in 1958, while in grade 10?


    Jerry got his first instrument when he was 15. It was an accordian.

    You better get off the weed Chamie.

    }:(:P[color:red]Hey Booche, check this autopsy report. It is presented in a humourous way but the fact have nbeen verified. I wasn't kidding on the bottle cap thing for real...

    Jerry Garcia autopsy

  7. Yes I will keep smokin' 'cause Jerry Garcia most certainly played guitar on Bobby Freeman's "Do you wanna dance". Not only is it listed as such in Allmusic guide and on the ASACAP registry, if you have ever heard that song, while the guitar is very Chuck Berry like you can definently hear that it is Jerry. It really cool to hear him back then.



    Jery's Session credits

    So Bobby Freeman is rigt Stn.Mtn...you question sir...

  8. Yes Stone Mtn. It is a tough one...

    ...here's a clue, Jerry was hired to play on this R&B song in when he was 16!

    Here is a picture of the artist the songin question is by:


    C'mon people, let's get the thinking caps on...If not I'll ahve to ask another one.... :):)

  9. What was Ned Lagin arguably most famous for (and I don't mean among Deadheads' date=' so I'm not referring to the Phil and Ned sets)?[/b']

    I'll take a stab. Was it that he pioneered early real-time micocomputers to generate digital signals to create music, and eary digital/audio converting. Also of course his pioneereing work developing synthsnd digital signal processing

  10. Thank fuckin' god Arujois gone. He sucked large balls. Seriously. Slow as fuck, and meat handed until the end.

    The fact another team would take him is a miracle. excellent move.

    I'm liking next season already.

    Bring back JYD, for the moral alone. And the D.

  11. [color:blue]Ok, so here's the idea...someone posts a Grateful Dead trivia question. People posts answers, then the question asker confirms it being correct and the correct anwerer, posts the next question.

    I'll start:

    [color:red]Who played paino on the studio version of "To lay me down", off American Beauty?


  12. Facts:

    Waylon jennigs was the original bass player in Buddy Hollies' band the Crickets.

    Ray Parker Jr. was sued for stealing the main riff for the Ghostbuster's theme from Huey Lewis's "I want a new Drug". A judge agreed and Huey Lewis Won.

    The most frequently performed Grateful Dead song (excludig drums/space) is "Me & My uncle".

    The main ingredient in Jagermiester when it was first introduced as a medicime elixer was opium.

    There is a known anitdote for LSD that stops the trip cold, no matter what the dose. It is called chlorpromazine.

    When Jerry Garica died, a bottel cap, some loose change and a hotel room key where foud in his stomach in the autopsy.

    If you take the suppliment Phenalanalyne while at the peak or near peak of an ectasy trip, it will block the neuro-receptors in your brain that can become over used and make you feel "tired, fatigues and sketched out the next day. This works in most poeple.

    The first reggae was called backwards R&B by American audience and was influenced heavily bythe sounds of Fats Domino and other new orleans geats that played heavily behind the beat.

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