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Everything posted by timouse

  1. wow. love the pictures, love the story, so glad you had a good time
  2. in no particular order, from AlterNet. Poultry processor Sewing machine operator Farm laborer U.S. soldier, active duty in Iraq Mississippi prison inmate/forced laborer Nanny on a temporary visa Laundry worker Roofer Recycling plant worker (materials recovery) Street prostitute
  3. happy birthday tim, and have an amazing trip!!
  4. so yes, the studies are funded by tobacco companies, or tobacco companies masquerading as pharmaceutical companies.
  5. indeed! you guys look amazing in that photo! congratulations!!!
  6. yay dave! glad to hear that you will have a musical outlet again...very sad that kelly's is still not back on its' feet, but at least you're playing again...
  7. rheostatics tribute. weeping tile covering "public square."
  8. their website claims $2689 per person, and you get exactly what you think...killer food, a great trip, and a chance to hang and jam with the bands. i sooooo want to go, but jeebus that's a lot of money....
  9. so "the bitch is back" by elton john didn't make it as the song? bummer.
  10. please report back. we might need to organize a skank ramble bus at this rate.
  11. good on you, d_rawk. my inspiration came from Allen Carr. His book changed my life...or more correctly, his concepts changed my thinking. every time i have quit in the past, i felt that i was giving something up, and i would inevitably cave to the desire to have "just one," which inevitably landed me back smoking. once you admit that you are addicted, and that you will have to duck outside every hour and a half for the rest of your life to do something that is outrageously expensive and deadly, then you start to see that you are not giving something up but breaking free of an evil addiction. that simple mental turnaround has meant everything... check his book out.
  12. i used to smoke drum rollies, and was always amazed at the different buzz that came from a dumaurier or other tm smoke. i'm sure that buzz is due to the laundry list of stuff that gets added to tobacco. after one year of no smokes, i feel better than i have since...well, since before i had my first smoke
  13. indeed. america's loss is PoG's gain
  14. down to eight left act fast!
  15. what he said. i hope luke can sort himself out, and jared, that was brilliant.
  16. i too have ten...pm me if you need one!
  17. i thought that this must be a joke. we are living in the age of peak oil and climate change(d)...what the hell are the cons doing sponsoring a Nascar car? yarr.
  18. i would second the "copy & paste" into your favourite word processor...you can then make a new pdf using http://www.primopdf.com
  19. congratulations mike and sharon! chicken dance??
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