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Everything posted by timouse

  1. aw man...that's such a huge drag! it always seemed that your neighbourhood would be immune to this sort of thing. good call on the pawn shops, but what a terrible thing to have to deal with. both jennifer and i hope that you are able to recover some of your stuff...
  2. sad news but good news today. IF you are buying a house, GET A HOME INSPECTOR. they are coool people who can really help. so the last few days have been very rainy and snowy, and the basement of the house that was bone dry was WET. there is no drainage away from the house, and a couple of days of rain made the basement an unhappy place. and that's not the worst of it. after spending part of yesterday in the department of health office trying to find out where the septic tank is, we found out that the house doesn't have one. they have a homemade underground trickle filter that's way too close for the (also buried). if you heard a whooshing noise earlier today it was jennifer and i running away from this one...but all is not lost, we have 2 more properties to see on sunday, and lots of very cool people helping us out....
  3. thanks everyone for your good wishes. this has been so totally effortless, and we're both totally psyched. we figured that today would be a good day to be indoors on account of the snow, so we went to the beaverbrook gallery to see the giant Dali. thanks for the heads up on that one velvet! the people there were just brilliant. the mortgage lady just called, they approved the mortgage. we can sign it tomorrow once the house inspector gives us the thumbs up...by the time we leave for home we will own it. looks like we're going to be new brunswickers! woo hooo! skank camping welcome. be warned though, there are blackflies edit to add > d'oh! wanted to say good things about the folks on Team Fun while i was at it. when we stayed in miramichi, we met popo weenie. she came to meet us at our hotel and took us out next door for drinks. popo is brilliant! we owe you a round, joan...missed physically meeting dave-o and sean, but did talk to both guys, they both raved about fredericton as well as talking up moncton.
  4. so far, it's been amazing. in fact, we have just about bought a house. the property is about 55km north of fredericton, just outside of a town called stanley. it's 49 acres on the nashwaak river, 20 or so acres of pasture/meadow and the rest is forested. we have river frontage and a small island. the house is a 2 bedroom bungalow, it seems to be in ok shape, but was owned by an old guy who wasn't much on decoration, so the place needs a good cleaning and painting...but from what we can tell, it's structurally okay. having said that, we have a structural engineer/home inspector coming tomorrow morning to check the place out. if he thinks it's all right and the well water tests okay, thn we're in! oh...and the mortgage is $300 a month, and we can't see any of our neighbours, only a view over the valley and the river.
  5. thanks for the advice, gr8ful...we did a good run around the province, came back to fredericton, and have found 49 acres of property on the nashwaak river. we put an offer in on it, looks like they're going for it! we're going to be new brunswickers!
  6. don't forget brad and dr evil.
  7. happy mothers day indeed to skanc moms everywhere!!
  8. http://icanhascheezburger.com/
  9. last weekend at the Fat Cats / Harvard Mouse show, my friend Ilaina read this poem in memory of our friend Marcel. It makes me really happy and really sad all at once. A Pueblo Verse Hold on to what is good, even if it is a handful of earth. And hold on to what you believe, even if it is a tree which stands by itself. Hold on to what you must do, even if it is a long way from here. Hold on to life, even when it is easier to let go. Hold on to my hand, even when I have gone away from you.
  10. it's not luke checking out girls, is it?
  11. happy birthday stapes!!!
  12. hey east coast folks! my wife jennifer and i are headed you r way! we will be in new brunswick for a couple weeks starting this sunday. we are looking to relocate, and we would definitely like to meet some of you guys and find out about your part of the province...any suggestions for things to see in nb would be appreciated. cheers tim
  13. the old "Healey's." the L shape with the stage down at the far end, the low ceiling, always made me feel claustrophobic...it always seemed like more fun to hang out in the alley next door.
  14. only a few more days until we set off...beginning to get very excited! looking forward to seeing some of you east coast folks as we roll around nb! thank you all for the suggestions!
  15. old news. harper's been wandering around promising to reduce "intensity of emissions" for a real long time. full story.
  16. brilliant. happy birthday brian!
  17. i thought that phil was working on something like this, looks like they beat him to it.
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