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Everything posted by Baj

  1. What a warm up to next thursday...these guys are on fire...so excited for a full two set show since they certainly left me wanting way more... oh and thanks for having that dream you had the night before captain...since they played the songs you asked them to in your dream...to crazy hehe...loved it
  2. This has been the most action packed exciting BEST year of my life, since I first laid eyes on and met the CapItain of de SUN my wonderful wife Tara just over a year ago... heres to many more great years to come...Happy Birthday Sweetheart I love you more than anything
  3. Think its suppose to kick off at 5pm Were gonna try to leave at 3:30ish... http://www.buffaloplace.com/aboutus/marketing/summerconcertseries.html
  4. Just get to burlington, we'll figure out the rest
  5. Should be a great warmup for next weeks Toronto show... Listenin' to this right now; http://www.archive.org/details/ymsb2007-06-15.flac PUMPED!!!
  6. ALOoooooooooooooooooO whos in for some fackin' SWEEEEET mountain bluegrass I know we sure are, hope to see some of yas there. WOOT
  7. Good review! My Brother and some other friends were at this and pretty much had the same thing to say... Good pictures aswell...thanks!
  8. He sure does and Jackie Green's songs are great mixed into this show...
  9. Just picked err up last night...shes sweeeeeeet
  10. I'll have to wait till I get home, I can't get to myspace and alot of other sites here at work lately...dam the man Pumped to see this line-up in Buffalo
  11. thanks Brad gonna be my morning wake up melody
  12. that was fantastic...thanks
  13. Happy Birthday From what I read here you had a rough year, heres to the year ahead being the complete oposite...
  14. I want a time machine...
  15. like BWM said...its just Superfly thats doin this...lots of other great jam fests goin strong.
  16. The reason being to sell a ton of tickets. To a giant audience with so many different types of artists on the bill.
  17. because of urban sprawl http://science.nasa.gov/headlines/y2002/11oct_sprawl.htm
  18. correction marcO you don't care cause your happy with Martha's Vineyard's radio in 2007
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