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Everything posted by Baj

  1. Baj

    GOTV 2007

    The highlight for me was definately Ratdog... he bombed on the few songs he came out to do with poor Keller, but really pulled it together for his show, and surprised the hell out of us and alot of people there that witnessed the Keller set. Plus we had a running joke going for the previous DSO show that they were gonna play Darkstar/eyes back into Darkstar/eyes back into Darkstar... well we were going off when Bobby and Ratdog pretty much gave us exactly that...check out the setlist... 8/11/2007 Seaside Park, Bridgeport, CT I: Jam > Shakedown Street* > Minglewood Blues > She Belongs to Me, Money for Gasoline, Easy to Slip > Supplication > Dark Star > Shakedown Street (reprise) > Eyes of the World*+ II: Me and My Uncle@4, A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall@5 > Two Djinn > Stuff > Come Together* > Dark Star > St. Stephen > William Tell Bridge > The Eleven E: One More Saturday Night* > Ripple* Show with Steve Kimock (Guitar); *-with Donna Jean Godchaux-MacKay (Vocals); +-with Keller Williams (Guitar/Vocals); Mark was absent; Stuff - Jeff/Jay/Kenny/Robin/Steve; Bob sat in with Keller on "Willin" and "Scarlet > Brown-Eyed"; Jeff, Jay, and Kenny sat in with Claypool, joined by Bob on "TNK"
  2. First time reading this post... really sorry to hear this guys...stay positive and keep having fun trying
  3. Baj

    GOTV 2007

    That was a totally ridiculous wait last year Mark! I wasn't going to go if it was held at the Indian Lookout Country Club again. The bikers that run it, sure have quite the 'operation' going there...couldn't believe we had pay 20 bucks to wait while they made everyone empty everything totally out, two cars at a time and them claim all the booze and drunks they wanted... This year was nothing like that thankfully! It was very well organized with very minimal searching. We were running late and I remember saying "its gonna take a miracle to make it in time to catch darkstar if there is a line" ... well I'm not sure if it was a miracle or what but the Captain' jedied us straight past about a two hr wait of a line...she got in this one lane, by chance, you needed credentials for that was flyin' on in. When she got to the gate they put us off to the side, since we did not have the 'credentials', to be searched...10mins later with really no search at all we were in...and fucking lucky...cause it was the best dso show I've seen yet Other than the extreme weather we had going from rainy and really cold to two days of super hot heat it was a great, very well run fest. Seaside Park alone was cool as hell, with the ocean right there and a ton of different species of trees that were fun to trip on. If you were lucky enough to get park under any you were set...we were not dam that was some hot sun...
  4. thats a great shot... I WAS there and wish I saw that in person...hehe... good times
  5. ok, just called the 'shoe $25.oo tix at the door, which is 2 dollars and change cheaper than getting them through a ticketbastard location... There is an opener starting at 9:45 with Yonder going on at 11.
  6. I sure hope there is tix at the door
  7. http://www.jamhub.ca/modules.php?op=modload&name=PNphpBB2&file=viewtopic&p=113489 Saw this on jamhub, thought some of you might want to know... Sorry to hear this...best of luck
  8. says Midtown "Ballroom" Bend, OR. at the beginning.
  9. this is for you captain'yumyum
  10. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ rain vibes ~~~~~~~~~~~~ isnt usually raining in BC...guess not when this is happening... ~~~~~~~~~~~rain vibes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  11. What...no love for Jerry's shorts...I mean it is his bday and all...
  12. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Happy Birthday Jerry ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thankyou ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[color:green]RIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  13. WOW...that was AWESOME Thanks for the heads up on that one Ken great fucking job Highlights; 20 min Eyes Thrill is gone Shady Grove and that super sick Garcia and Saunders Jam Thankyou Ken as always for bringing the good music
  14. nice friend of the devil right now... go Ken
  15. Something from Jerry and Grisman suugestions: ~Shady Grove ~Jackaroe but I love almost everything they did...
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