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Everything posted by Baj

  1. Good hump iddy hump day tunz foSHOW thankyou!
  2. Happy Birthday popo don't get too outta control or the real POPO might getchA
  3. Baj


    They definately had Gratefulfest BOOMIN' eh Swifty! Great to meet you and your family btw! They got alot of different stage times this yr during prime time slots when it was a packed audience...(thanks to mamma DonnaJean compared to when I first heard them there last year when I think they were only on once and I barely took them in... Loved that Chinacat version they opened with during that dso setbreak...I was feelin' no pain :crazy: (been watchin for this set to surface to hear it again) heres some other samples http://www.archive.org/search.php?query=boombox%202007 Heres their myspace http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=34834241 I find his story and his boombox interesting and fun! http://jambase.com/search.asp?bandID=40017
  4. I second that and bring Scofield back too That was such a great show I was lucky enough to sneak into
  5. Baj

    Sunday at Bluesfest

    Thanks for the heads up on SJ... How is Sam Roberts Band now a dayz Saw him a couple times a couple yrs ago and thought he put on a good high energy show ...
  6. thanks guys...listen now
  7. Happy Birthday Mark Your infectious smile and dance moves are the best
  8. Ari you were missed and the topic of many funny stories ... till next yr oh say hi to Dlhama
  9. Wish we coulda been there Kev, thanks for the call!
  10. Place was packed and goin' off Big thanks to you Prost for driving in the end, and to Cully and Brie for your swanky hotel entertaining right beside the square
  11. totally spaced on this, wanted to go... ah well glad you had fun dude!
  12. oh come on Schwa. your such a tease
  13. Baj

    moe. tonight

    Well Otowners, its OUR turn... for some MOE. TONIGHT in BuffalOOOOoooh no opener either ... so we might even get two sets
  14. http://www.archive.org/details/dso2007-05-27.mk4.nbox.flac16 great show that happened on my bday, wish I could have been there...
  15. they were such a great surprise at gratefulfest having never even heard of em before...
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