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Everything posted by Baj

  1. Really wanted to make this...sounded like it was awsome! We have a new puppy, that has kept us pretty tied to home, so we just couldnt go that far from Burlington and make it back in enough time to let the little girl out... Glad it was such a great time, looking forward to hearing the sbd recording...
  2. I also loved talking to this dynamic duo on Sat You two ROCK
  3. I never had the privilege to meet Marcel but sure wish I had! RIP Marcel. Last night was such a great idea! Thankyou to everyone that made it happen! Got there too late as always, but heard Harvard Mouse sounded great..bummed I missed it... The Fatties were definately in fine fine form, drummer and all Had a great time with the intimate crowd that was there, I always love meeting the people I converse with on here on a daily basis, face to face, so much better! Dr. Evil Mouse and Calamity Jane(HUGE thanks for the pitcher, got one coming your way one day soon ) Timouse, Mousepad, Tricky So good to meet you all, looking forward to the next time around! And last but not least, always great talking to Matty, Mark Tonin, Edger, Hal Johnson, Lionlocks..whoever else im forgeting... just a great all around night Thankyou peace Brian
  4. the show actually happened...the real released version tape version was mixed this way...
  5. mmmmmmmmmmmm beautiful area to check out, vegetarian eats, best dead show recreation ever,then a little heady glowstick recycling to end the night... sweet
  6. You've peeked my enormous appetite for good eats, with the mention of this 'Moosewood Restaurant' please elaborate... We are planning on exploring that area a bit, since we've heard how beautiful that area is, for a possible area to move to one day....
  7. dam with the excitment of this thread I spilled the beans...
  8. Were hittin' this up I am lucky enough that my buddy Rich from the states scored 4 tix... super excited bout this one
  9. A quote I heard over and over while I was there, and made me smile everytime, cause it rang so true for just being my first time there... "the ledges are legendary"
  10. nice this song always makes me feel free... ha
  11. D.D. is da band Backbacon is da man with da masta plan
  12. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/18280188/
  13. DAMMIT, fucking blocked for me here at work...finding more and more shit blocked these dayz...time to look for a new job thanks Kev, I'll have to do this at home tonight
  14. Happy Birthday Craig Hope you took the day off buddy Cheers
  15. Congrats on this going over so well to all that made it happen...bring on more big named acts...PJC ROCKS SoOn
  16. love Bowie but yeah would want a hell of a alot more
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