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Everything posted by dave-O

  1. Long time no see, my friend. Hope you have a great one!
  2. Yeah, Roenick was always a great interview and always had a great 'take' on the game, so the transition to between-periods-analyst has been pretty smooth. A good sense of humour goes a long way! I just assumed that for those same reasons Brett Hull was going to be great. Not so far...
  3. Here's the report from MoneySense/Canadian Business: Canada's best places to live I think the key to Moncton and Fredericton's inclusion is the avg family income to avg house price ratio.
  4. Pretty dull game if Bob Cole is all you have to talk about, eh?
  5. dave-O

    Go 'Dogs Go!!

    Dude, nobody cares. There's real hockey going on right now.
  6. Clowns: This makes me thoroughly embarrassed to have ever supported the NDP in any way. It's also widely know around hockey circles that Shane Doan is a very religious guy who refuses to even swear!
  7. Which is it then Kev? a) The 80th year since the Senators have won the Cup; or It's NOT the same franchise. You can't have it both ways.
  8. File lots and lots of patents.
  9. dave-O


    That's excellent! I hadn't noticed, I haven't seen much of the new season with it being head-to-head with playoff hockey.
  10. dave-O


    Holy fuck I love beer.
  11. dave-O


    My darling wife brought me a 24 of Propeller Honey Wheat Ale home from Nova Scotia this weekend. I'm not usually a fan of Honey Browns and the like, this doesn't taste like a 'sweet' beer. To me it's a perfect summer ale, light and refreshing. Yum. Now if summer would just get here.
  12. Except that he said Fisher "kicked" Brodeur.
  13. Anton Volchenkov - 8 blocked shots
  14. Which once again proves that fuck all ever happens in New Brunswick.
  15. Did you just recommend a Slowcoaster show as an attraction of NB???
  16. dave-O

    Trader's Den

    You need a BitTorrent client to download BTs.
  17. Pre-sale for the eastern dates has already started. http://www.whitestripes.musictoday.com/WhiteStripes/calendar.aspx
  18. Dude, nobody cares. There's real hockey going on right now.
  19. Glad you checked them out 'bama! Like Paisley said in an earlier thread, I think they've got a real Silver Hearts thing going on.
  20. GREAT GAME ALERT Glad I decided to stay in. This has been fantastic hockey for a 1-1 game. Unfortunately now I'm drunk and tired and in the atlantic time zone and trying to stay awake for overtime. Hence the typing...
  21. I'm closer to Belgium than the first couple dates of this Canadian tour!
  22. There is no sunken treasure, rumored to be Wrapped inside my ribs, In a sea black with ink I am so out of tune with you
  23. Greg Millen accurately made the observation that Jersey's shut-down line (Madden) couldn't contain Speeza-Heatley-Alfie and Ottawa couldn't contain the Gomez-Gionta line. Worse yet, Phillips-Volchenkov were each a -3.
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