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Everything posted by dave-O

  1. Do it. Then you can be cool like NorthernWish and I. Seriously though, I know the band you speak of. If you want a third party opinion or just want to hear about Moncton from the perspective of someone that moved out here from Ontario, give me a PM or an email. My job - I work in Intellectual Property for a company involved in lottery, gaming and transaction handling. Evenings and weekends I write songs that no one will ever hear.
  2. Brad, Long Black Veil is a Lefty Frizzel song, not sure who wrote it though. It was also on Music From The Big Pink.
  3. Dean Brown - "At even strength the game was even. The difference was timely saves and power play goals. The Sens' problem all year has been the lack of timely saves and power play goals."
  4. From guys who call the Leaf announcers "homers" I'd expect a less impartial view. But from Habs fans, I'd expect nothing less. Dick had nothing going for him except his lineage. One of the worst sports commentators ever.
  5. That's too bad, I haven't heard it yet. "There Are Days and Then There Are Days" is 25 minutes of live-off-the-floor glory.
  6. dave-O

    East Coastin'

    Attendance will increase if you keep coming out on a semi-regular basis. Ask the nero, Toolshed or Vanderpark guys about their first few trips out east. Maritimers are fiercely loyal to their tried and true bands (see Sloco) but not so willing to take a chance on an unknown.
  7. It's all about the piano.
  8. Borrowing from One and a hair in the breakfast thread, you haven't lived until you've had breakfast with pregnant hookers at Mello's at 4am.
  9. dave-O

    Hoagie House

    I need to point out that everyone from Kingston that doesn't have the last name Bouchard, Barrett, Ball or Belair thinks the Hoagie House is fucking disgusting.
  10. Downey's was like the old-school Matthew Barnaby eject button. That's supposed to be the rule, and it's not just you Dinghy, they don't seem to be calling it this year.
  11. And they sure did. The crowd realized who had scored even though the ref didn't. (I saw Drummondville play in the Q last night and they looked pretty weak without their top 2 offensive guys - Latendresse and Derek Brassard.) Shouldn't both Downey and Komisarek have been tossed for lack of tie-downs last night?
  12. The Kerouac reference and the devil and John Berryman bit in Stuck Between Stations is what hooked me from the get-go.
  13. she put 900 dollars on the fifth horse in the sixth race i think his name was chips ahoy. came in six lengths ahead we spent the whole next week getting high at first i thought that she hit on some tip that she got from some other boy.
  14. That was a game where the score-sheet doesn't tell the whole story. Anton Volchenkov actually played a great game in a shut down role against Ovechkin. The commentators kept repeating that all 4 Washington goals were "deflection goals", but Gerber's poor positioning was to blame for 2 of them. Gerber doesn't seem to have any confidence right now. He's having serious trouble controlling rebounds. After their goalie change, the Capitals carried the play and the Sens were on their heels for much of the game. Not-so-timely penalties (deserved or not) are killing this team right now.
  15. TSN is reporting that Higgins is gone for 6 weeks. Tough break.
  16. I thought he couldn't get assigned to Bingo, he'd just return to his Russian club team, as per the conditions of his release from Russia in the first place. Instead, he was assigned to Bingo, refused to report, went home, and got suspended by the Sens. Comprendez?
  17. Seriously, does anyone know what I'm talking about? Did I make up the part about "if he got sent to the minors, he would return to Metallurg Magnitogorsk" in my head?
  18. Killer album. I wanted to hate it because of the blatant E-Street Band influence, but I think it's my top choice for album of the year. I can't stop listening to it. How was their live show Ollie? I'm guessing boozy and loud??
  19. Can anybody in Ottawa shed some light on this? I thought that part of deal to get Kaigorodov out of Russia was that he had to stay with the big club. If he got sent to the minors, he would return to Metallurg Magnitogorsk. I know he never really adjusted to the North American game (and how could he, playing 4 minutes a game?), but you'd think with the Sens' 2nd line woes they would have given him a shot there for a game or two.
  20. I'm warming up to this scenario of dealing for a #2 centre and then trading Alfie away. It's the good ol' one step forward, two steps back approach.
  21. Maybe paired with Eklund's Alfie for Regehr never-come-true rumour-du-jour?
  22. A funny Rick story... When he was home (Moncton) in the summer, he brought this huge, archaic piece of recording gear over to a friend of mine's place so he could transfer over his "lost" home recordings to digital. Apparently there's hours and hours of unreleased material.
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