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Everything posted by Sarahbelle

  1. I had SUCH a great night last night!!! What a show.. Thanks Cation Jam for always throwin down those fab grooves !!!
  2. ummm... not really.. but it definatly could
  3. Is anyone goin from the Hammer to Toronto tomarrow? Me, Heather and Lorriane are looking for a ride!! Just think of it.. 3 funky ladies in ur car.... goood times!
  4. woohoo! this sounds really fun. I think the last time I saw fatties on NYE was at the comfort Zone in the year 2000! that was super fun. I'm already excited YiPppEEeeee!
  5. hmmm.. I wanna hear...China Cat Sunflower Also.. anyone got space for Me n' Heather(reggaemuffin) pm one of us if U have space we would be eternally grateful! (get it.. grateful?? hahaha )
  6. U can make a salad with it.. I had a spicy tuna salad in Thailand that was just some chili peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, probably some sort of oil, lime juice..it was really yum! Also, maybe U can make some sushi with it?? One of my fav, things ever is the pasta tuna salad with Mayo, Tuna, pasta and celery... yum... I feel like eating tuna now too!
  7. I think it's pretty funny because I didn't even know anything about Fred Eisenburger (sp?) until like.. thursday. Now he's the mayor I think it's pretty clear that everyone in Hamilton really didn't like what DiIanni was doing. I really hope that this change will be a good one. It's been a little while since I've been happy about someone getting elected
  8. mmm... cheese is just soo good!!! Smoked Gouda is prob. way up there. I also can't get enough brie! mmm brie. Or Stilton! gotta love mold. I also love Feta!! mmm! My mom got some yoghurt cheese a while back, it was really good too.. fewf.. too many delicious kinds of cheese out there!
  9. Oooh Neato! I'll be there I *heart* mr. Something Something!
  10. there's lots of DJ's to check out...There were a few concerts in Seoul while I was there.. but my main musical fix was electronic... KevO...Ur gunna be back in the hammer??? I'd love to hang out sometime :D I hope ur havin a fun travel!!!
  11. it's terrible. I'm soo angry about this!! why aren't the government doing something? it's their responsibility to take care of EVERYONE. Why do they disrespect the people that deserve the most respect out of anyone in this country!! GRRRRRRR!
  12. i think I'm gunna bring my fire poi stuff!! whoo hoo for FIIIAA!
  13. Hey everyone. I had the privelege of hearing 4 couragous women from Grassy Narrows speak last night. Grassy Narrows is a Native community fighting for thier land located in northern Ontario near a town called Kenora. Many years ago, they were told to leave their land because it was unsafe due to the mercury in the water from a nearby pulp and paper mill. Keep in mind that these people live off the land, They hunt and fish and harvest wild rice from the forests on THIER land. Over the last few years, They have been trying to protect the trees on their land, as 2 corporations are clearcutting like crazy on the land. On December 2nd, 2002, the Youth set up a blockade to prevent logging trucks from passing. SOme of the industries, Abitibi and Weyerhauser, refuse to stop logging. In additon, the government of Ontario also refuses to help them. The entire community is struggling. One blockade was the women and children from the community. "The clear cutting of the land, and the destruction of the forset is an attack on our people. the land is the basis of who we are. Our culture is a land-based culture and the destruction of the land is the destruction of our culture. And we know that is in the plans. Weyerhauser doesn't want us on the land, they want us out of the way so that they can take the resources. We can't allow them to carry on with this cultural genocide" -Roberta Keesick, Grassy Narrows blockader, mother, grandmother, and trapper. I can't even believe that this is happening. Why don't we all know about this! Please remember them and support them all you can because they need our help!!! friendsofgrassynarrows.com freegrassy.org
  14. OOOh man.. Dosot Bibimbap! it's my favourite Korean dish pretty much.. mmmm! Korean food is soo yummy!!!
  15. Hey.. so how much is the show tonight? Is it 5 Bucks or 10 bucks? (SAY 5 BUCKS.. ) hehehehee
  16. yay! it's so far away still.. *sigh*!! Ah well!!! I'm still excited. It's prob. my favourite holiday ever.. Come Together!! !!
  17. I'm gunna be there!! She called in to the show on Tuesday so me and the other XX show host are going. We're really excited! she's also on the cover of VIEW this week
  18. that sounds super duper nast-tastic. *shudder*
  19. yeah.. Have fun guys!!!1 I'm so jealous. I wonder who won those tickets! ob. not me.
  20. yep! just make sure the cheese is bubbley and your good mmm pizzzza!
  21. hahahaha.... Well.. at least I know what I'll be missin.. lol! what a silly thread
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