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Everything posted by Sarahbelle

  1. hey everyone!! i'm gunna be on the Radio tonight...(maybe) on C101.5 (mohawk college) From 6-9 It's the XX show.. A tribute to female musicians!! Hope U guys listen! Sarah
  2. I don't know you guys... North Korean people are also in EXTREME poverty. They don't have power, water or food. Meanwhile, there's some crrazy man spending all kinds of money on nukes. It just doesn't make sense. North Korea is a very very volitile state and if something isn't done, we're all fucked. bah.. this really upsets me actually. This is really freeakin scary..
  3. oh man.. Crazy North Korea!!! What the heck are they doing!! Kim Jong Il should be.. something. I don't even have the words right now...
  4. Hope everyone gets a chance to check out the moon tonight. It's the harvest moon! In China it's the Moon Festival because the moon is the brightest this time of year LETS GET LUNEY! :D
  5. Dub Side of the Moon-Easy Star all Stars Sooo awesome it's the dark side of the moon reggaefied
  6. MARACATU NUNCA ANTES are amazing!! I need to find 10 bucks to go. Somehow I'll make it Hope To see U there Carrie!! (sp??)
  7. Bill Withers-best of * I frriicken loove him!* Paul Simon-Graceland Jazzanova- Remixes or something.. from my friend Sarah in Korea
  8. sweet...there are message boards ? I will have to check them out! I hope some other people check this out too
  9. yay duane!! I always forget how talented he is!
  10. that is soo freaking cool puppets really are magicial
  11. Dang!! I would so check this out if I had the means right on.
  12. These guys Rule!!! I danced like a manic last time I saw them. Hopefully I'll make it sat
  13. My friend Lisa posted this on her myspace account. It's so thought provoking... www.droppingknowledge.org Dropping Knowledge forces people to question the world around us. These quotes from their website summarize it all: "dropping knowledge begins with you. By focusing on yourself and the world around you, questioning what you see and refusing to accept the easy answers, you take the first step out of apathy and into activity." "dropping knowledge is a way of asking and answering questions that respects other viewpoints and leads to a meaningful exchange." "dropping knowledge means asking in order to understand and answering Check it out and try to answer some of these questions!! I feel like we have to question in order to change for ourselves and the world we live in.. cheers! Sarah
  14. I like Beyonce and Justin Timberlake(the older album)! I just think Beyonce is cool!
  15. YAY! I had a great time I'm still running into people I haven't seen in a long time. It's always a nice surprize whooohoooooooo I love U all Sarah
  16. it looks soo beautiful! have a great time!!!
  17. hey Biking party people! Anyone who's around should check out Critical mass today. We meet at Hess and George at 5:30 it's so much fun!! I'm gunna be there forsure!! WE DON'T STOP TRAFFIC...WE ARE TRAFFIC!
  18. boo. I also heard that the conservatives where going to mess with same-sex marriage again. What's their freeeakin problem! grr.
  19. I was just thinking of the song change on my way home. It's been one of my favourite songs for about 10 years now. I'm still so sad.. what a waste of a beautiful soul.. *cry*
  20. WOOT WOOT!~ * Everybody's workin for the weeekend!!* hahahaa.. It makes me laugh just to think of that song
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