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Everything posted by phorbesie

  1. it's a thurs. i can't really afford any more concerts....but there are a few i wouldn't mind seeing on the 28th so just curious if anyone was heading there from ottawa...
  2. i love starbucks coffee, hate the stupid sayings on the cups, and hate that they only give 'take-away' cups unless you specifically ask for china (which they then scurry around to find one or wash). not that any of this matters, just felt like saying
  3. a friend of mine started a baked goods business (cakes, cookies, brownies, etc) last year tricky. she lives in NJ though. so laws and requirements, stuff like that could be different. but i'm sure she'd be happy to share other advice with you on getting started! if you want i can give you her email address, or give yours to her so you can communicate, if you want?
  4. i'm too late for the vibes i guess but i hope it went well! i'm sure you rocked it.
  5. i went to flipper's last night, i thought it was pretty good. scallops were awesome. i never eat scallops anymore cuz it's so rare to have them done right, but these ones melted in your mouth. i had mahi mahi with a ginger sauce. the ginger was a bit strange at first, but it grew on me. they had this amazing chutney too. the decor is great!
  6. cool, thanks. but i don't want interviews, and definitely not lots of them! i'm not looking to be recruited , just some temping while things are dead around here (unless something awesome comes along)
  7. i can find plenty of them online, so don't really need help finding one. but wondering if anyone recommends one that was good. thanks!
  8. *erased post* as well walking away...
  9. ah, perhaps i'm one of those you are focusing on. i don't think i was "cold" either, and really i don't discount this man's suffering OR say he should not be given some help. personally, i'm just not the suing type. i think people need to live their lives and stop blaming others. sure, i could remain bitter at my father's doctor for misdiagnosing him, get into a legal skirmish, whatever. but that's just not right. how would it benefit anyone? it's certainly not gonna bring him back now. i'd rather focus on better things. and i think doctors are overworked and do the best they can.
  10. how i wish this wasn't the same night as ween! i've been meaning to see GTB for awhile now but haven't been in town or available when they played. advance warning to band...the skanks will be in montreal!
  11. somebody finally spelled my name right. i love you! :laugh:
  12. i wholeheartedly disagree. not saying this guy hasn't suffered in the interim, of course he has. i can't in Any way see how this is 'just as bad' as being misdiagnosed and dying because of it.
  13. that is really sad. i went through a similar thing with my dad (doc didn't see tumor on xray, then it was too late). i agree this man should be happy to have a new chance at life!
  14. none of you here should be feeling guilty all of a sudden. he is likely in jail because of doing something illegal or hurting someone. i will, though, hope/send some [color:purple]~[color:blue]*[color:green]vibes[color:blue]*[color:purple]~ that he will get the help he needs finally, so that he can not hurt himself and others.
  15. i'm going to attempt biking with velvet for a week. apparently it's Always windy there so we'll see how far i get!
  16. plans are still up in the air for that weekend, so you never know but myself, i'd rather not spend 2 days of it driving (well, riding). i definitely want to do some camping though. and do want to make it to the ghost town one day. maybe next year though!
  17. phorbesie


    is there anywhere around these parts to get mini burgers (a la krystal or whitecastle)?
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