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Everything posted by phorbesie

  1. i only had 2 pints so i'm not hungover at all except for the tummy HURT...and yeah i hear ya booche :blush: it made me miss ribfest this morning. *sniff*
  2. i agree on the lines/taps since the bars i frequent aren't exactly upscale, but are some people just more susceptible than others to it? surely everyone isn't getting sick. i do have a weak stomach i guess. which were you drinking last night brad? i was drinking the st. ambroise blonde. it was so yummy but i was hurting so bad this morning!
  3. does anyone else have this? i've noticed it is happening to me a lot lately. for awhile i thought it was just dirty lines a few places but i seem to be getting bad tummyaches many times i have draught beer now, but not bottles! is it the carbonation or something else? i don't feel like it's gas though, but i could be wrong i guess.
  4. great time last night! thanks mike and dave
  5. I sure did but I am willing to take that risk again. So far' date=' so good. [/quote'] well keep us posted. i'm going to regret saying that, aren't i?
  6. i thought you got sick last year booche?!
  7. i might stop by for a beer...can't not really when you're in my 'hood!
  8. i can't find the thread from last year, but i remember some people got sick afterwards! i might go back to the same place as last year cuz i didn't get sick and it was yummy! it might have been bad wolf but not sure.
  9. every little thing she does is magic...
  10. nice pics ollie! i can't wait to see all davey's pics. i showed a few around and peeps agreed on the gallagher thing hehe mike does look hot! as does sharon!
  11. i think so anyway, according to this! http://www.sparksstreetmall.com/Chicken_Rib_cook_off_standard.htm YUM!
  12. HOOOOOONNNNNNNNKK!! happy birthday!
  13. Yay mike and sharon!! everything was amazing. thank you. it was so great to enjoy the ride all day, so thanks to the peeps i saw putting in so much effort to make everything go smoothly and perfectly! awesome. Love you guys! ps. i'm so happy we're cousins, all of us!
  14. seems like they were using it as an action, let's all trash fence!! ha...place sure has evolved since i went. leave no trace, pfffBWAH! but what a cool place to see an eclipse! have fun
  15. what does 'trash fence' mean? i'm so out of it
  16. i like to have a salad but with chicken/fish/ something substantial in it. it's still a light meal so you can effectively drink and not get sick or too full, but is nourishing.
  17. half-step acrooooooooooosss the rio graandioooooooooo i love that part
  18. jeez this thing hasn't happened yet?! lol
  19. we're making fun of phish not you BREAKING PHISH NEWS!!!
  20. plants have feelings too... Plants 'recognize' their siblings Submitted by Vidura Panditaratne on Wed, 2007-06-13 17:18.Sci | Non-geographical | News Plants are able to recognise their siblings, according to a study appearing today in the Royal Society journal Biology Letters. Researchers at McMaster University have found that plants get fiercely competitive when forced to share their pot with strangers of the same species, but they’re accommodating when potted with their siblings. “The ability to recognize and favour kin is common in animals, but this is the first time it has been shown in plants†Susan Dudley, associate professor of biology at McMaster University in Hamilton, Canada, said. “When plants share their pots, they get competitive and start growing more roots, which allows them to grab water and mineral nutrients before their neighbours get them. It appears, though, that they only do this when sharing a pot with unrelated plants; when they share a pot with family they don’t increase their root growth. Because differences between groups of strangers and groups of siblings only occurred when they shared a pot, the root interactions may provide a cue for kin recognition.†Though they lack cognition and memory, the study shows plants are capable of complex social behaviours such as altruism towards relatives, says Dudley. Like humans, the most interesting behaviours occur beneath the surface. Dudley and her student, Amanda File, observed the behavior in sea rocket (Cakile edentula), a member of the mustard family native to beaches throughout North America, including the Great Lakes. So should gardeners arrange their plants like they would plan the seating at a dinner party? “Gardeners have known for a long time that some pairs of species get along better than others, and scientists are starting to catch up with why that happens,†says Dudley. “What I’ve found is that plants from the same mother may be more compatible with each other than with plants of the same species that had different mothers. The more we know about plants, the more complex their interactions seem to be, so it may be as hard to predict the outcome as when you mix different people at a party.†http://pressesc.com/01181755074_plants_recognise_siblings
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