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Hal Johnson

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Everything posted by Hal Johnson

  1. Yup. If that happens once, its pretty shameful, but forgivable. The fact that it seems to continue to happen...its the lack of effort that hurts the most.
  2. This is where Gibbons comes in. Like him or not, hes a bad manager. Its up to him to get his guys in the proper mindset for these situations. He is either not saying the right things, or the team has tuned him out. There no excuse for a team to continue to make the same mistakes year in/year out.
  3. I heard he also sneaks in a killer "2001". ::fingers crossed::
  4. Dallas in 7 (stars were tired last night, they'll bounce back) Pitt in 6 (globetrotters will prevail)
  5. Maybe Stajan asked him to not ask about it?
  6. Has this already started Tirck? Cuz Ive already told a bunch of people about it.
  7. Happy Birthday Schwa.
  8. There would be a market for AJ.
  9. :thumbup: Cool, thanks for the tips guys!
  10. How safe do you think these things are? Ive been doing some job searching and it seems everywhere I go Im asked for my resume and all that crap...but It really makes me wonder; who am I giving all this personal info to? The reason I ask is that I tried to send my resume through a link offered in an email and it kept getting returned. I looked up the company and it said theres no positions availible. So now Im stuck. Is it safe at all? What should I be looking for? Any help would be much appreciated. Cheers! Edit to add: Im talking more about those job sites that keep databases of resumes, like monster.ca, but not that one in particular.
  11. I saw Ashton Kutcher sitting in a lawn chair at Bluesfest.
  12. Lincicum IS ripping it up for the Giants. Thanks for reminding me, Ive gotta have a word with Northern Wish... And no, they shouldnt trade for a hitting stud, cuz as the old adage goes, "hitting is contagious," so even Chase Utley would come here and go o - 4 with RISP and none out.
  13. They can't score runs! (But I agree with you - Wells is good). They said last night that they havent scored more than 5 runs in like 15 games. What the fuck!!! No amount of pitching is gonna get them through that. Maybe if they played in the National league west they'd finish in second.
  14. Actually, If Detroit gets eliminated and Morrow has a monster next couple of rounds, Dinghy might pull it out.
  15. It is wierd that they cant hit. The dome is such a hitters park. Ah well, Im sick of trying to figure them out too!
  16. Really? Hogan is one of the best ones on the air! You are insane. The only thing that saved his sagging ratings was adding Mike Toth' date=' and he's almost as annoying as Hogan himself - he has one of the lowest, if not the lowest time-slots on The Fan. At least I don't have to listen to the tandem of Hogan/Sean McCormick or Hogan/R.J. Broadhead anymore. Sportsnet corners the market on hack announcers. Don't you find Hogan's overly forced laugh maddening? He's actually a pretty knowledgeable guy, but he's got one of those personalities that can get under your skin.[/quote'] That's funny, cuxz of ALL the guys on the fan i always found Hogans personality to be the most "normal." He always just seemed like "one of the guys" to me. Then again, im not surprised you and I would feel differnetly on this either, what with the 3 times we've ever agreed with each other over the years
  17. You reffering to the pending sweep at the hand of the Devil Rays?
  18. They're just setting the table for Tie Domi.
  19. Really? Hogan is one of the best ones on the air!
  20. We should buy him a blizzard and send it to him. He'd like that.
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