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Hal Johnson

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Everything posted by Hal Johnson

  1. Who wants to bet CNN has a Patrick Swayze death watch on the go?
  2. This is the type of story E channel has been waiting for! Seriously, the next 5 weeks are going to be repulsive.
  3. The thing that gets me is the criteria for a snow day, ie, how the fuck do they come up with it? Sometimes things are closed, other times they arent. Today it's f'n miserable. There will be at least 160 acidents on southern Ontario highways. But for some reason, today is more safe to commute than any of the other snow days. I am left shrugging my shoulders.
  4. Id have to agree - I just find it interesting that the standings would be more or less the same. I wonder if the shootout would be more exciting if they had more shooters right off the bat, ie 5 instead of 3? Why they just didnt extend overtime to 10 minutes is something Ive never been able to figure out. Guarantee 7 of every 10 OT games would be decided in a winner.
  5. So really, theres not much different today than there would be if the "old" NHL were back?
  6. The best I can do would hurt yer weeny feelings - plus, Im AT WORK, so Im a little distracted. Sorry Newrider - but I will def borrow some GP of Timouse this week.
  7. Not true. Once I saw him read the first three chapters of the Neil Young biography. Although that was about five years ago. That, my friend, was actually your diary - and I have to admit - I didnt think one person could ever be that infatuated with Billy Idol. Your a strange one there dj.
  8. Id sooner read the label on the back of my air conditioner.
  9. To be honest - I was terrified of the lebanese food my family would make when I was a kid. It all smelled funny and had scary names. It wasnt until I was older that actually tried it and liked it. It was like Green Eggs n Ham! So until that point, my favorite meal was Sheppard's Pie. What a combo! In fact, Sheppard's Pie is still up there for me.
  10. Thanks for the memories indeed!
  11. Cool - and you know its just a matter of time before you can take pictures with it and surf the net!
  12. Hahaha! They talk louder, can tell you anything about any boat and motor and can whip you at Euchre and Cribbage. I miss the north.
  13. Both sides of my family landed in Quebec, in Royn-Noranda. Though I grew up in Toronto, I know exactly the life you mean. Many of my relatives still live up north and whenever I visit its Moose-meat this, or Moose-meat that. I took the family up last year and it happened to be Moose hunting season. I had completely forgot that guys drive around with Mooseheads on top of their cars to show off their kill! You should have seen the look on my fiance's face! Welcome to the north my dear...
  14. That broadcast was awesome! It was like a grade 7 class project or something. I couldnt handle another one this season, but they should make it an annual spring training thing. Once a year, just for S&G's.
  15. Nah, theres doesnt appear to be enough Old Cheddar to go along with it My goodness though, that is quite the contraption.
  16. Maybe they should open more Black Schools.
  17. Marco's post gave me an idea... Im half Lebenese and half Scottish. Unfortunately, the Scottish side of my family doesnt offer much in the way of strange wonderful foods, but the Lebenese side does. Kibbeh, for example, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kibbeh , is a dish my grandmammy (called Sitto in arabic) makes usually at Christmas or easter. Very tasty, very different from what I usually eat. Though I am no cook (i stink in the kitchen) I do enjoy basically every type of food and am always open to suggestions. So I ask - what do other people eat and where's it from? Fista and I are always stumped when it comes to seeking out different foods, especially in Waterloo, so Im hoping you guys can offer up some good choices.
  18. There's some mornings after tying one on that all I ever think about is something like that dish. Of course, I havent found it yet, and I usually settle for a plate of bacon and sausages from the all you can eat counter at the local Golden Griddle, but when I do, I shall remember you Marco for letting me realize such a plate existed. Thank you my friend.
  19. I used to listen all the time - entertaining show. Rome grew thin on me with his interviews, but Ive already bitched about that enough on here somewhere. Those phone calls can be hilarious at times though. He's got a good point about selling the NHL in the states - promote on his show and go back to ESPN. The NHL, at least while I was listening, did nothing.
  20. Any of you guys seen this live yet? I think it would be awesome. Id like to try it too - but it seems rather unlikely.
  21. Most of those NTC's make sense. Theres a few near the bottom of the list that should have had a certain GM fired years ago. (But, seriously, why the love-in for JFJ Booche? The guys a turd.)
  22. Anyone else notice Hossa hurt his knee last night? Something about a sprained MCL.
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