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Hal Johnson

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Everything posted by Hal Johnson

  1. Good call man! Poor Sabres though - they've still got a fairly decent team, but I cant understand whats wrong with them at all.
  2. Ya man, happy belated. Hope you had fun!
  3. Oh my. Teows' (Sp?) goal was pretty fantastic too. It actually made it on to the BDSS top 50 plays of the year. They usually try to avoid hockey like a plague. Im sure this will be on some lists now though.
  4. Roll the Bones. But the rap in the middle is good.
  5. http://www.keepersoflists.org/index.php?lid=3864 I wonder how it compares to Sugartit, Kentucky?
  6. Ha, thats funny. If I new one guy that could come up with a bunch, it would be him.
  7. I only like the rap in the middle of "Roll the Bones".
  8. You think? Its on my work computer, so I dont know if I should care or not! Ummmm...should I care?
  9. The funny thing that happens to mine is that the first time I try to open it I get the "end Program now" thing, but the second time, it seems to work. Which is far too much trouble for me. So good-bye 12 song album game, its been a slice!
  10. Hmmm. its been happening to me too. (Same goes for the Go Sens Go thread, but that's probably for the better.)
  11. - This music... - Rush is a very good band. Their music is very complex, and the perfection... I'm not saying they're not talented, and, yeah, they rock... but it's not the only music out there. - I've got a John Denver record. - I'm serious. Anyway, I like them. They rock, man. There's a whole world out there. People are having fun. We should be going to parties... getting drunk, getting laid... being wild. The last time we went to a party we got our asses kicked. Maybe we should have our own parties. - How about we turn this off... - Don't touch my stereo, Bob. Give me a chance. - Got this from a guy I know in L.A. - You know a guy in L.A.? Shh! You tell me if this doesn't rock. This isn't anything. Just give it a chance. What is it? - What is it? - Yeah, what is it, Bob? It's new.
  12. You know what? this all started from not signing Stumpy back when the lock-out ended. I know thats in direct contradiction of everything we've been talking about, but I've just got this gut feeling. If Stumpy had a been here, everything would be fine.
  13. Worst thing that could have happened has happened. Two victories in a row. Methinks Buffalo really needs a win though and will maybe put an end to the charade.
  14. It would suck balls if the Giants made it.
  15. Its cut off, but Blazo's actually swooping in from above, hanging from a glider, ready to high five the girl in the skirt.
  16. Its about time this turned into a Top Gun thread. Best Line: Iceman: You know what I dont like about you Maverick? Your dangerous. (bites his teeth together). Ya, so maybe it is about homosexuality.
  17. Looks like Hal just picked himself up a favorite football club.
  18. Max, meet me in the stairwell of our building, make sure to be running down the stairs from the 5th floor, Ill run up from the second. Wear a blindfold. Ill wear one too. Blind Stairwell high-fives!
  19. Which is too bad, cuz he had/has a lot of potential. I remember when they got him that he was worried about the turf and it turned out to be really hard on him from the get-go. I noticed him limping up to the plate very early in his Jays career. Oh well, hopefully Rolen maintains his health. So as much as Im excited for this season with the pitching staff and all, I cant help but wonder what they're gonna do about their obvious lack of speed. My fear is that they wont do a darn thing. We need a base stealer dammit! And I forgot to mention a catcher. Zaun couldnt throw out anyone last year. And he's rapidly declining in skill.
  20. Ya, and I say good riddance to Glaus - he didnt seem like he wanted to be here at all.
  21. Comparitive stats!!! SCOTT ROLEN TROY GLAUS AGE 31 32 SEASONS 12 10 AVERAGE .283 .254 HITS 1,558 1,124 DOUBLES 380 240 HOME RUNS 261 277 RBI 1,012 778 ERRORS 148 163 GOLD GLOVES 7 0 Well, try as I might, I cant seperate the f'n stats.
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