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Hal Johnson

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Everything posted by Hal Johnson

  1. He really rallied his troops last night!
  2. And to think, we had this giant discussion for nothing.
  3. I take back everything I said about JFJ.
  4. I get it too, but you cant feel all that sorry for him. Hell he turned down a Pronger trade because he wanted to keep Steen. Was that Peddie interfering as well?
  5. AHhahahah...closet Leaf fans are the worst kind.
  6. I think this is where my frustration is coming from, thanks for hitting the nail on the head.
  7. Ya, thats true. Wish I could find what Pat Quin said about them after he left - shed some light on the whole situation. Scotty Bowman probably would have been a good place to start.
  8. But I do see your points. As dumb as he has been, its not entirely his fault.
  9. Lets back up a bit here - JFJ may be getting the runaround, but he has undoubtedly made some retartedly stupid moves. Lets not kid ourselves. Seriously.
  10. I really dont know what were all arguing about...Booche, your right, and Kev, you'r right, as far as Im concerned. I guess Im just surprised that the Maple Leaf brass are exactly who the fans and media say they are. That despite all the verbal abuse and ongoing dissent, they really are just taking a large dump on the ice and laughing at us for eating it all up.
  11. I think it stems from the fact that there are too many people in the Leafs organization that want credit for bringing the cup to Toronto. . Thats more along the lines of what i was getting at. There's something there that is impeding progress and its not due to any good reason.
  12. So the only time they know who's in charge is when ticket sales are comprimised?
  13. Then why was it so easy to do the Raptors switch?
  14. I dont know why they have to delay the inevitable like this. Everyone knows its coming. Mike Toth thinks they should bring in Cliff Fletcher just to do the Sundin trade and get them through the rest of the season. Sounds good to me.
  15. Ohhh...okay, see, I just heard the sound clip on the Fan on Sunday, didnt realize he was talking about what had already transpired (was more hungover than alls y'all - open bar wedding the night before)...good move then for the Leafs, I mean, why hire one guy who has more rings than the entire organization?
  16. Heard Scotty Bowman is interested in taking over the team. Apparently he has offered his services but wants it to be a "Colangelo" like situation and nothing else. How freakin cool would that be?
  17. I used to work at the beer store too and it was the same way. But I definately remember something about it at my friends S&D this summer. We went and picked up the beer and the guys dad distinctly said to make sure we go through the 24's first, cuz they'll only accept the 12's for return. Id be lying if I said I remembered why.
  18. I know that beer should be bought in cases of twelve because the beerstore only accpets returns on unopened 12 packs, for some reason (or maybe its 24's, but its worth looking into). If you choose to buy and sell the liquor yourself then you do need a liscence, but they're not to hard to get.
  19. Yup, sounds good to me too. I wonder what St Louis is thinking?
  20. :thumbdown: :thumbdown:
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