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Hal Johnson

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Everything posted by Hal Johnson

  1. Thanks Brad, i got confused cuz Tim said something about Saturday.
  2. Hey Tim, I give you permission to pass them on to me! You rock dude!
  3. When is this thing anayway?
  4. Happy birthday! Hope you have lotsa fun!
  5. Happy Birthdayd buddy! W'ell have to hang out next week sometime in honour of, cuz I dont even know where you are right now!3 y54asd zyyut7uybjllhlkjh - that's what Zane has to say about your birthday. Hope yer having fun dude!
  6. Roller - no, I like those ones. I was talking about the ones where the guy in the black NHL shirt faces off against the guy in the red NHL shirt. Just stupid.
  7. Not sure how they market in the states, but I sincerely hope they dont show those generic MY NHL commercials. The sport should be good enough to hold it's own if marketed correctly, imo anyway.
  8. Thats not really surprising to me at all - especially given the amount of spanish speaking citizens down there. How much trouble do you think the league is in? Do you see it folding in the forseeable future?
  9. No kidding, if there's one job worse for your back... Another job that sucks large is excavation. Especially if you dont have a decent way of getting the dirt out of the house.
  10. I didnt read the article. I just saw roofing and thought, holy crap, somebody understands. It really is a bad job. Just carrying bundles of shingles up two-story ladders in the middle of the summer sucks. Then cleaning up all the old shingles. Ohhh man, brutal. Not to mention stripping the roof on a hot day.
  11. I roofed for a couple of summers - horrible wretched work. Did keep me in decent shape though. In fact, I roofed Max Websters shed a couple of weekends ago. Made me feel all manly.
  12. That and Wells has shit the bed all season.
  13. Doesnt help when Gibby pulls his starter whose pitching a relative gem. The guy gives up his like 2 or 3rd hit of the game in like the fifth or 6th, a two run bomb, an obvious mistake pitch, and Gibby pulls him next inning - even AFTER the Jays take a 1 run lead. People used to criticize Gibbons when he left guys in too long, now they get mad when he pulls em too early. How bout this - he just doesnt make the right moves at the right time.
  14. Hal Johnson


    I vote for Lucky.
  15. Ive always wondered why they just dont inject cigs with all sorts of good stuff, like vitamins and the like. I mean, if we can split the bloody atom.
  16. To the only boy that could ever please me...
  17. Too inconsistant. Hitting takes a nap too often. I would like to see them make a run, but they piss me off too much.
  18. Remember the cheque game? No one could understand it! But I always could.
  19. Why, is ther something wrong with it?
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