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Hal Johnson

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Everything posted by Hal Johnson

  1. Volley Ball spike to the forhead!!
  2. Melba toast and I were driving through rural Colorado when he hit a deer. I had just started dozing off when it happened too. I woke up and he had this stunned look on his face, "I just hit a deer," he said. So we pulled over and decided we better drag it off the road. I kept calling him a murderer and he kept telling me to shut-up. We didnt really know what to do but I had remembered hearing that you should report it. So the DJ drove off to find a pay phone. HE came back and said he couldnt find one. We decided we better just leave it on the side of the road. THEN!! LOW AND BEHOLD, THE LITTLE BASTARD WOKE UP! "Your alive!!!" we rejoiced. So we sat there telling him how stupid he was for running across the road (he was just a little guy). He shook his head a couple of times and then scurried of into the wilderness. Then the Dj and kissed under the stars. No, wait, we gave eachother hand jobs in the backseat. But thats neither here nor there. Bottom line is that the little bugger lived and the Dj is no longer a murderer. The rest of the trip was wonderful.
  3. I have a friend who met the guy who goes around with the cup. Apparently Marty Brodeur had a road hockey game for the cup with his friends and family, which to me is absolutely wicked-awesome. Another guy, who's name was withheld, had a threesome on the cup, or well, somehow used the cup to perform the threesome. Which again, is ultra wicked-awesome. I imagine there's all sorts of cool stories out there.
  4. "A turtleneck is like being strangled by a really weak guy...all day" I'll be there.
  5. Ya beat me to it Kev. The Leafs will sign Yashin. I guarantee.
  6. Happy B-day Becky! All the cool people have birthdays around now.
  7. hahahahahhahahahaha - NO. Well, maybe just for next game, I would enjoy a good series.
  8. I dont even know what to say anymore.
  9. Why is it that this era of Maple Leaf management is eerily similar to the Bush Administration?
  10. I thought the same thing when we got back. Also, the rest of the Skanks should know, that wipe-out was one of the most glorious hoola-hooping wipe-outs I have ever witnessed. Hope yer okay matty!
  11. Ya the dude jumped right when we got back so he was all right. No dramas as far as him having to be saved or anything. Just a couple of really pissed off people. The dude was kind of funny actually, mayhaps a little ignant, but funny nonetheless.
  12. Hey, my new work is offering a bunch of tickets for the Fifa under 20's (Toronto only), including playoffs, but not the championship. Tickets are reasonably priced too. I dont know how hard these are to come by, but the email I got makes it seem as though they are. Anyway, just thought Id throw that out there if any of you are interested PM and Ill try to give you more info.
  13. Thats too cool. Have fun man, you should pick up a jersey while yer there too. A friend of mine got one from Taiwan, and its freakin unbelievable.
  14. Most regrettable late-night drunken cuisine: Any type of sub or sandwhich purchased at a gas station.
  15. Thats cool, just thought I'd try. Thanks for responding though!
  16. I love eager drunken Chefs. Im lazy and not good in the kitchen so when someone insists they make something, Im usually all for it too!
  17. Hey Johnny, member thtime we got drunk and you cooked chicken burgers in a pot in the oven cuz the top of the stove didnt work? Ya, and you didnt tell me, but you said the burgers were ready and they're on the stove? Then I stammered over to the kitchen and grabbed the pot only to realize it was like a thousand degrees? And I had to sleep with my hand draped over a frozen pack of mixed veggies? And for the next week and a half my hand looked like it had leprocy? Remember that? That was awesome.
  18. Ha! I love that pic. Seasons greetings to you too sir! Thanks everybody. Gonna pull the ol, its-not technically-my-birthday-gonna-celebrate-like-it-is-though on Saturday. Im usually against that sort of thing, but hell, CAUTION CRUISE!
  19. I realized that, try as I might, I cant cheer for the bloody Sens. Sorry guys. That being said, they cant play nearly as bad as they have, they're going home, and the place will be rockin. "One game at a time"
  20. Help! Any chance there's still 2 or 3 tickets left, even though they're all reserved? I got friends...
  21. "The small town of Smithville Virginia, with its picteresque little shops and quaint little harbour. Parks for the kids and coffe shops for the adults. But amidst all that was a seedy underbelly..." I love that guy.
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