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Hal Johnson

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Everything posted by Hal Johnson

  1. Ya, thanks for including Tricky and I in the festivities. What a great bunch of people. Even Tricky's Brother in law had his moments. Good times all round. Cheers dudes!
  2. Obviously you guys have learned nothing about what happens to your team when it's fans get all cocky and such. You did it to your self, you did...
  3. Thats all fine and dandy for a guy ALL ALONE on the ice with his head glued to the puck. Still though, Im sure some of those drills are effective. The more this goes on, the more this guy annoys me. Especially the music. This is what Mark Messier does with his spare time now? Good on him I guess
  4. I always liked this one for phish tabs cuz it's got loops to play over for a bunch of songs: http://emilstabs.org/wiki/index.php/Category:Loop
  5. http://www.tv.com/south-park/die-hippie-die/episode/408439/trivia.html
  6. I guess Cornell is highly susceptible to the scam... I had a friend who went there and he and some other Canadian boys hooked up with some American kids to form a school club called The Society for Canadian-American Mutualism. The school readily accepted the new club and even funded it. S.C.A.M. and all its members spent their funding money on "meetings" at the local pub.
  7. I finally got it all sorted out. Thanks everbody for yer support. All it took, and Im an idiot for not thinking of this sooner, was a call to the cancellations department - or as they like to call it, the loyalty department. They apologized profusely, met me half way on the bill and even gave me some credit for my problems. I still hate the bastards and am going to quite them as soon as I finish up paying of the stupid bill, but remember folks, threatening to quit seems to be the only way to get anything done.
  8. No I havent Brad, but thanks for the link, seriously. :thumbup:
  9. Its a long stupid story. Trust me. Ive told the operators the damn thing a billion times over the past month and a half - honestly Im sick of telling it. It involves their ineptitude at recieving payments and all round poor problem solving skills.
  10. ...are completely wrong, even admit it, but still expect me to bend over and pay them for it. Im gonna lose it! I guess I'll have to pay them cause I dont want it hurting my credit, but fuck me seideways do I feel like Im getting ripped off. Honestly, if I had recorded my previous 15 phone conversations it would make for great radio. At one point I even felt like contacting some sort of News outlet to do an expose on Bell Canada's customer service system. I honestly dont know how some of these people live with themselves, being so dense and all. Anyway, just had to vent. I still dont feel any better.
  11. Last night's game was much better. They played a little small ball and it payed off. Thats all I ever wanted from Gibbons - a little small ball now and then. Especially when your big guys are down for a while. You gotta adapt.
  12. Just wait till you guys are down a game, Hal's douchebagedness will rise accordingly
  13. I know its not much, but it's the first thing I thought of when I tuned in. Just made me laugh, is all. Its really no excuse to lose, but it sure made them all look silly.
  14. Cuz its just way more fun to cheer against the Senators.
  15. just buggin ya. Should be a good series comin up. Have to pull for the Devils though, obviously.
  16. Gibbons doesnt sound worried. In fact, his quote today on the radio was something along the lines of, well, we just have to work this thing out. There's not much you can do, really. Fantastic managerial genius!
  17. Way to go Raps marketing team! Jersey 1, MLSE 0.
  18. When I went to school in BC I took a ethnomusicolgy class with a prof named Myron Makepeace, your typical west coast hippy dude. It was one of his beliefs that music should not necessarily be a means to a profit, but rather celebrated organically as a means to spiritual revelations and such. Im no ethnomusicolist by any stretch of the imagination, but when you study music of oral traditions for a semester you gain an appreciation for the sharing of music, as opposed to the consumtion and selling. Er something.
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