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Hal Johnson

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Everything posted by Hal Johnson

  1. You'll fit in well! What are YOU doing Saturday?
  2. Gonna come and cause a scene w/ Questcequecest and I on Saturday?
  3. Sweet. We'll get drunk together. Cause a scene. How bout it?
  4. Ill be hittin up Wilcox! And it looks like Eric Burden too.
  5. You guys remeber the short lived commercial with him sitting at the end of the table, eating dinner with a bunch of current NFL stars? They're buggin him and buggin him to show them some move he pulled on some guy. He eventually gives in and does it. Dekes out entire viewing audience? It was a cool commercial.
  6. I find it so funny that that one guy always has his head tilted slightly to the left. Reminds me of Horatio from CSI. Actually, it drives me rather insane. They need to get rid of him.
  7. I heard Campbell on the fan last year talk about this....apparently no one lives near Toronto or wants to work here for the summer. The best they can do is rotate between Fletcher, Tabler and Mullinicks.
  8. Im a member of this club too! Havent seen you in while Marge, hope yer keepin it real, yo.
  9. Id say Keller is a pretty awesome rhythym guitarist. His style is very difficult to emulate, to me anyway. Leo Kottke is pretty wicked too.
  10. Agreed. MLB dropped the ball on this one. Sorry for the horrible pun. They cant do anything but celebrate it, IMO anyway.
  11. There was a sign....but still, the sign was just recently put up. I kinda had a feeling this would happen, but I had since sat and talked with parents of kids that actually live there, so I figured no one really cared. Even still, i cant wrap my head around someone coming out of their house to kick my son of the playground.
  12. So My 3 yr old got kicked out of a playground yesterdsaay because it is private property belonging to a townhouse complex. Problem is it's completely accessible from the walking path beside the complex and we've been going there for a year now. Some dolt of a woman decided to kick us out yesterday because the playground cost them "$50,000.00" and theres a public playground around the corner. Problem is the public playground suck ass. Imagine having to explain to your 3 yr old the concept of private property? He was all like, But daddy, I dont want to go...I had to say, sorry buddy, we have to becaues this lady hates her life that much. If my wife wasnt there I probably would have stayed for the battle, but she was urging me to walk away... The playground is directly beside the walking path and accessible to anyone, ie no fence.
  13. Ryan Adams is a very good Hootie and the Blowfish cover band.
  14. I think its on again on Sundays. Driver pulls off the accent pretty decently too, considering she's english. Eddie Izzard not so much, but he plays the role really well. I find my self having to suspend my disbelief a lot of the time, but its usually worth it cuz the writing is so good.
  15. My new favorite show. Season Finale last night, not one of the better episodes, but good nonetheless. Anyone else?
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