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Hal Johnson

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Everything posted by Hal Johnson

  1. The Great To See ya and the Hi How Are ya's
  2. The Canucks looked pretty good last night. Lots of hop to them.
  3. Really fun game to watch last night. The leafs were badly outplayed for the most part, but took advantage of two huge Redwing fuckups. This is how they're going to win games this year! That, and Toskala needs to stand on his head for 75 games. I felt this strange emotion watching the game last night, I think it's reffered to as "hope". I've spent the last 3 years bitching and bitching, but this year there's no point to it. For the first time in 3 years I'm going to enjoy watching this team lose...weird, eh? Oh, and for the "what else is new" file - Antropov and Ponikorovsky are f'n slow and uselss and will be exposed this year for how worthless they are because Sundin's not there to help them.
  4. hahahahaha, "P is for Psycho" (thanks troy McClure)
  5. Why cant it be a little from column A, a little from column B?
  6. ChrisLambert and the 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon
  7. :cool: :cool: I bet that story was a wet dream for that reporter. :cool: :cool:
  8. I read through it, eventually found it - it is worth it. Booche, will you be my slumpbuster?
  9. What were they saying about Hotels being booked solid in Virginia for phish? http://www.uer.ca/locations/viewgal.asp?picid=84984
  10. The guy found dead in the sheets was the father of a girl I knew. Really freaky story.
  11. http://www.uer.ca/locations/newlist.asp (cool pics of abandoned buildings, some much better than others) I cant really tear myself away from this one today. First I started with Ontario, places I might know, then I ended up in Barbados at this old abandoned resort. http://www.uer.ca/locations/show.asp?locid=24456
  12. You'd think the band would almost feel obliged to schedule a make up date or something for those who still have their stubs?
  13. The Gimps are djmelbatoast - he was in a scooter accident and fugged up his knee. At least that's what he tells me. I think he wears leather and lives in a box. Bush League Bastards - M.O.B.E JockStrap Blues and Destroyers though...not sure
  14. [color:purple]Yes brad, its the instuments and/or gender that matter. If he had said that he and his daughter spit out sick rhymes while his wife beat-boxes I would be totally sold on him. The commercials are akin to Mr Burns' movie submission, "Will there ever be a rainbow".
  15. I dont know about that. The economic fallout was essentially at the spilling over the edge state by the time these changes were made. Not sure how he can make that claim. If he was really that proactive I wouldnt have to be telling tens of people each day their mortgage cant be renewed.
  16. Anyone who willingly sits there like he does in those stupid f'ing commercials while the music plays lightly in the background and he talks about sitting at the piano with his son who plays guitar is NOT to be trusted, ever. Ever.
  17. Someone who hopes that maybe he lands a starting job somewhere so he can be picked up in a fantasy pool, thus giving him a viable other option to tim thomas one of his goalie positions. Its also intriguing cuz it means one of two things: A) The Strippers and Blow in Russia are no good. or The Strippers and Blow in Russia are PHENOMINAL
  18. Rumour has it Emery is coming back to the NHL. Read it on the internet.
  19. Fista and I watched this the other night - it's great!
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