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Hal Johnson

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Everything posted by Hal Johnson

  1. Cool, on a saturday too. I know there's no Shannon, and their new album kinda blows, but I've heard they nail the old songs, so I want to go.
  2. It's a time machine, Napoleon. We bought it online.
  3. That's what I was trying to figure out. Personally, Im surprised that more people arent intrigued by this story in itself. Dudes plotted to kill Obama, but got let off b/c they were "high on meth." Now, they say that there was an extensive investigation, and one could argue that they were just silly twenty something skin-heads playing "let's assassinate a presidential candidate while high, and in the possession of firearms," a game, we all like to play as innocent fun sometimes, but c'mon...
  4. So Briere is out for a month and he's not on the IR list yet, however Hecht is out for two weeks cause of his finger and he's on the list. WTF?
  5. Havent read the rest of this thread, so Im just jumping in here, hoping it's relevant (but honestly, what else can you be talking about?), but I've had both, and Boston Pizza Lasagna sucks even more.
  6. Nope, no threat there. Guy looks perfectly normal.
  7. Damn, that would have been good times. One of these days...
  8. I dont know! Sportsnet has the weird, ambiguos one, and then FOX has the other, Fox-like one. Im not sure if ESPN has anything to do with it.
  9. Its the World Series. A lot of companies probably overpaid some good money for those commercial spots. Speaking of the broadcast itself, whats up with the two different broadcasts? One is slightly ahead of the other and has little or no graphics and less commercials. I still havent figured out whose putting it on.
  10. From that article: "Three white supremacists with a sniper rifle and high on drugs who were arrested near the Democratic convention in Denver will not face charges even though officials believe that they wanted to assassinate Barack Obama. The FBI and the US Secret Service carried out an “intensive†investigation into the plot — in which the supremacists talked of shooting Mr Obama as he accepted the Democratic presidential nomination in an open-air sports stadium on Thursday night — but found insufficient evidence of a “true threatâ€."
  11. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/us_and_americas/us_elections/article4617490.ece This article says that the dudes were found with Bullet Proof Vests and a Sniper Rifle. They're White Supremacists who claim they wanted to assassinate Obama. Yet officials seem to have dismissed them as guys that were "high on drugs and not legitimate threats". WTF is that?? How much more legitimate can you possibly get?
  12. Did you hear anything more about that, AD? What a weird change of events, huh? They're saying now that the weather is supposed to be even worse today and they're calling for snow tomorrow. It will be so bizarre to see the game start at the bottom of the 6th inning whenever they decide to do it. They cant plan it as a double header either cuz the series is supposed to go back to Tampa if the Rays win.
  13. Change of Plans, going to Montreal Nov 15.
  14. Awwww Booche is feeling left out. I'll bring up some extra Leaf long-johns you can wear buddy! We'll let you be an honorary fan for the night.
  15. Hahahaha...see you guys love the Laffs. We should do it, it'd be wicked.
  16. But what about Edmonton's run to the cup a few years ago...if we can just sneak into the 8th spot...where's Plomox when you need him? Hey, you know what AD, I think it's high time the lot of us get together for a Leaf-Sens game. If your talking to the boys from Nero, you should tell them to re-unite again on a Toronto-Ottawa weekend.
  17. Watching Tricky's daughter dance to Mark Wilson was pretty much the cutest thing I've seen in a while. (She's like a year and half)And the look on her face when they came in and set up the auction tabel, obstructing her view...priceless!
  18. Hey remember that time in the playoffs when the Leafs beat Ottawa 4 times out of 4? Gets a little old, doesn't it?
  19. http://thestar.blogs.com/thespin/ Damien Cox: Fair enough, if those two wins are aginst LA and the Islanders. But when its Boston and Ottawa? Its called being a fan Damien. You know, the temporary feeling of enjoyment one sometimes acheives from watching a sporting event? That and you'd think his writing would get less hackneyed over time...[color:purple]way to take a different angle on things
  20. Well, well, well, seems Philly is more up to the challenge than people were giving them credit for. Must admit, when they got home for game 3 I switched allegiances. The city of Philly desreves it more than Tampa. the poor bastards live for sports and they're teams never quite do it. Good on 'em, I say! Cant wait to watch Hamels again tonight...
  21. Really, who cares about the Finns? (Other than Badams??) Moving the team from Buffalo to Toronto is a crime against sports. IMO.
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