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Hal Johnson

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Everything posted by Hal Johnson

  1. There's holes to fill in the penguins line-up.
  2. Ive been following this a little bit lately, and I've got to say most of it goes wayyy (like miles, and I work for a mortgage company!)over my head. However, its slow at work today and I've been reading up on the whole thing, and its starting make a bit more sense. Here's something that i found to be rather interesting, from wikipedia, regarding the "bailout" ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proposed_bailout_of_U.S._financial_system_(2008) ( also check out http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bailout ): "In a survey conducted September 19-22 by the Pew Research Center, by a margin of 57 percent to 30 percent, Americans supported the bailout when asked "As you may know, the government is potentially investing billions to try and keep financial institutions and markets secure. Do you think this is the right thing or the wrong thing for the government to be doing?"[78] In a survey conducted September 19-22 by Bloomberg/Los Angeles Times, by a margin of 55 percent to 31 percent, Americans opposed the bailout when asked whether "the government should use taxpayers' dollars to rescue ailing private financial firms whose collapse could have adverse effects on the economy and market, or is it not the government's responsibility to bail out private companies with taxpayers' dollars?"."
  3. 43. Right after Peja won the 3-point contest: "Kenny said it was going to be an all-international night. I want to know which international brother is going to win the slam dunk contest." Gold.
  4. You may be out of luck man. If you go to this link, http://shop.mlb.com/category/index.jsp?categoryId=2194484&cp=1485909 , you'll see on the left all the WBC stuff they have for sale, and Canada aint even on it. (this is the first site I looked for though). I bet they'll have jersey's at the dome though during the thing.
  5. If Martin plays (and he should) he'll be a very welcome right handed bat to the line-up (to go with Bay). Dont forget Dempster too, when talking about pitching. If they get those four, the odd man out can be relief, as the games dont go back to back right away. It's kind of exciting to think were moving up in the world in baseball!
  6. Ive got my name on an email list to get first dibs on tix when they get announced. Im seriously considering taking that week off and seeing as many games as possible. I know that there was interest on this board too. Hopefully we can get a group of us involved. All the games are during the day and during the week though... But I think we will see the better pitchers for Canada this year, especially since its at the Dome. ::crosses fingers::
  7. There's no clear-cut favorite this year, which is kind of interesting. Hopefully Morneau can steal one again. And ya, Fuck the Red-Sox.
  8. Your probably right. I guess you could make a case for DOC being MVP then? I mean, the jays probably wouldnt even be close without him. But we know how much the writers like to choose pitchers, let alone pitchers from teams nobody cares about.
  9. Ya, but I think Lee in Cleveland will get the CY young anyway - he's had a pretty remarkable year.
  10. Im looking forward to a full season under Cito too. Just hoping JP doesn't get any brilliant ideas in the off-season.
  11. Oakville doesnt cheap out on anything, it's probably Dumpster AAA + brand.
  12. As long as we've got Chris Lambert, we've got the world spinnin' right in our hands
  13. Where the crap is the "MLB 2008" thread anyway? Its needed for links such as this.
  14. That's pretty funny. I used to work with a guy from Sherbrooke who actually sent in his resume to apply for the GM job a few years back. They sent him much the same type of letter in response.
  15. Not to mention Ryder will play with Savard...
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