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Everything posted by Birdy

  1. Birdy

    "Economic Update"

    What about Stephane Dion taking leadership? They've scheduled a leadership conference to replace him, and now, potentially, he would become PM of a coalition govt? That doesn't seem right.
  2. Birdy

    "Economic Update"

    I hope it won't. I didn't ever imagine they'd take it as far as they've taken it, but I was quickly proven wrong about that. It is within the rules, I know. It just seems so shitty to me. It'll be a very sticky, unprecedented situation if it comes about. I fear for the Libs that they'll lose some of their traditional supporters. Some Libs hate the NDP just as much as some Cons hate the Libs.
  3. Birdy

    "Economic Update"

    i know this is going to come across as biased, as I have been typically the stand-alone CP supporter around here, but let me just preclude it by saying: I think the 'economic update' sucks, and totally think Flaherty has missed the mark and failed to realize what pretty much the whole world is realizing about capitalism, and am really tired of the CP trying to annihilate the Liberals like they're a death squad (i even sent an email to my MP about this), but I do agree with Harper when he says this: I know, i know, the CP is certainly not guilt-free of backroom dealings, but there is some truth to this statement.
  4. Birdy

    "Economic Update"

    How so? You can't say what 54% of the voters were thinking when they cast their votes. The only thing you can say is that 'they voted for three different, individual parties".
  5. Birdy

    "Economic Update"

    54% didn't vote for a coalition, they voted for three entirely different, individual parties.
  6. Birdy

    "Economic Update"

    It's hidden agenda, the sequel! I would think it's probably more out of fear of a coalition government.
  7. Birdy

    Private Jets!

    Isn't the answer to this question now economically proven as "No"?
  8. Birdy

    "Economic Update"

    fucking confidence motion too! i honestly thought they'd be done with this bullshit. seriously!
  9. Birdy

    yayyyyyy God

    Hahahaha... I wish it was Friday.
  10. Birdy

    yayyyyyy God

    I say, say it. I wouldn't say they exempt culpability, because, well, he was made by culpable by others assumptions. I'm just trying to point out the dangers of such assumptions and where they've led us, that's all. How's the hamster experiment?
  11. Hopefully that voice gets a hell of a lot louder.
  12. That wanker already has the terror alert level up to yellow - 'Significant Risk of Terrorist Attack'. What does that really even mean? It's kind of like saying the Pentagon knows something, and they're not going to tell you, but be careful all the same! Here's a real time embedding of the alert level scam the Department of Homeland Security is running: ***** Terror-Alert.com ***** oh, i don't know how to quote using html... ? They've been running yellow and orange for over a year.
  13. At least the politics forum provides for round two of the same argument.
  14. Birdy

    yayyyyyy God

    hence "sad reflection". The shit show spurned from this wonder and suggestion of a possibility. YT didn't make an outlandish assertion. You took his mentioning it and it's lack of relevance and turned it into an outlandish assertion on your own accord, as did others. Which for him, obviously was hook, line and sinker to his bait. And for me, was a solidification that there still exists a continual need for sensitive language and that some things are still off topic to be introduced into a discussion for fear of appearing 'anti-semitic'. Hence, Tutu.
  15. Birdy

    yayyyyyy God

    Did i really make a 'leap'? I don't think so. I totally agree it's problematic to equate world Jewry with Israel, but it happens all of the time and is the reason I posted those articles on Tutu.
  16. Maybe your dissolving is another person's anti-Christ?
  17. Birdy

    yayyyyyy God

    For what it's worth, I'm not going to argue the need for sensitive language, as I can clearly see why such language has been adopted and held to over the years. I am going to try and show though how the sensitivity of this has led us to a point where we can't comfortably talk about it without getting upset and thinking the worst. I think that's an important thing to point out, as some of the shit Israel is doing in this world today is by no doubt a war crime and pretty fucking horrific. And if we're at a point today when we get offended at something that surely wasn't meant to be offensive, we're in effect never going to be able to tackle the bigger problems.
  18. Birdy

    yayyyyyy God

    Do you think you assumed something when you posted that the practice of making lampshades out of human skin was one of the darkest points in human history? Do you think you assumed YT trivialized that with his choice of words? Just like Desmond Tutu has been the victim of such assumptions, so apparently has YT. Not to elevate him to Tutu's status of course!
  19. Birdy

    yayyyyyy God

    Not so surprising, actually. Read your line above the Tutu bit, and the post above that.
  20. Birdy

    yayyyyyy God

    AGH! not to come to YT's defense here because i'm sure he won't need it, but did you read the articles I quoted above PT? why is what he wrote a 'really offensive comment'?
  21. Yah, i totally know what you mean. But discrimination implies an intent to apply prejudice to differences, whereas political correctness as an idea was intended to lessen that. That's why i can't agree with you when you say 'let's end discrimination by being discriminatory ourselves', because that's not what it intended, even though that's what it has become. So, it failed.
  22. I think the hurdles are the uninformed, the more we have key note speakers coming out to municipalities to inform our citizens the better. The rotary club in CK just had Paul Gipe, world-renown wind energy expert come to their annual dinner to give a speech. Nowadays it seems as though the brutal realities of all the rash decisions made previously to 'fix' problems are coming back full circle to bite us in the ass. Food, secularism, political correctness, all of these things seem to be going under a public expose right now of all their negative qualities. The biggest hurdle for the proponets of wind technology are the informed opinions of it's opponents. One of the biggest things seems to be not wanting to jump into something rash because we're all concerned for the environment. The informed proponets of wind technology need to factor in EVERYTHING and what those relationships would be 20-30-40-100 years down the road. Putting to work laid off Ford employees is great, but it's not going to shift public opinion. I consider myself a proponet of wind technology, and unfortunately aren't informed enough to really get into it... but when i read things about power plants sitting idle, i wonder what that actually means and why it's bad for a power plant to sit idle. Maybe i'm naive, but i just don't know.
  23. Not entirely, but I think it's failed it what it was intended to do and has, in some respects, the opposite effect.
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