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Everything posted by Birdy

  1. This received 1129 comments on globeandmail.com.
  2. Regarding the inquiry: Chretien should be in jail. If Mulroney is being protected as an advisor to Harper, I think they would have seen at least one or two Conservative wins in Quebec. I'm a little of the opinion that our RCMP is paid to do this kind of dirty work, as they were paid for thirteen years between 1990-2003, researching this case.
  3. It wasn't really an analysis, just a possibility amongst many. Yep, the Dippers made some grounds last night, but in reality, they're still where they normally always fall. And if the Liberals get their shit together and rebuild like they hope, I don't know what that will mean for Layton. I'm assuming he picked up those 8 seats primarily from the Liberal camp.
  4. I don't know what the answer is really... i'm just throwing stuff out there. Maybe that it came after a long weekend of lots of food and people were just feeling too stuffed and lazy to get out there. Maybe we should have mandatory voting, but I suppose if you don't care and spoil your ballot, we'd just have to fork out more money for the process of counting all those scribbles. Maybe the left needs to unite (shudder ) or maybe the right needs to disunite. Maybe electoral reform has the potential to get people thinking more about their local candidate and what she/he can do for them, and not moreso about the big foot in Ottawa. Maybe we should all be libertarians or anarchists and resign to the fact that government isn't the be all end all of the world. The list of maybes is endless. I think it's apparent though something has to be done. And I'm afraid it's going to take awhile after our referendum in '06 to see something change.
  5. And possibly bye bye Layton? He's a strong leader but one has to think that this was his absolute best shot he's ever had at it, yet he still falls within the same range. I think this government is going to sit for awhile. The Libs are most likely going to come under a leadership review/convention in the near future and then will need to start rebuilding yet again. Sad to say, but I think we're going to see more of the same with them saying one thing and voting the other. I only hope those who predict Justin Trudeau as the new liberal leader are wrong. They certainly have a big job in front of them. I also think this campaign was a huge eye-opener for the Conservatives, especially regarding Quebec and arts and culture. Surely Stephen Harper was thinking that to himself last night as his party did absolutely nothing there. While he made a lot of progress Canada wide and should be happy about it, every politico knows you're not going to get a majority without Quebec. Hence the whole courtship that's been going on for at least my 30 years. Should be interesting to see how he realigns himself with the French-Canadian vote. Stephane Dion had an excellent speech last night.
  6. I was talking to my bro out in Calgary last night, asking him if he voted. He didn't. And then launched into a fifteen minute spiel in which he pretty much systematically ripped apart every option on the ticket. He didn't vote because he thought noone was worth voting for. And that's allowed right? So I suppose mandatory voting for him would end up in a spoilt ballot, a few extra k's on his car and maybe a dollar or two in gas. Worth it? I don't think so. My vote goes to electoral reform.
  7. hahaha.. Peter Mansbrigde calls a time-out on Rex Murphy asking if anyone knows what the world 'elegized' means.
  8. No, it's not. The Bloc wants a disunited Canada, first and foremost. If they were to form a coalition government, which they wouldn't, they would have to cede this fundamental backbone of their political existence to work together for a united Canada. Where the Bloc platform does matter, is when they operate outside of a coalition in a united Canada and serve to hold those elected governments accountable.
  9. Wow. Just... wow. I have never claimed to oppose you, other than our little debate about the nature of man. What I have voiced is my opinion, over and over again, in the face of those who apparently subscribe to the neo-con fluff that is being spouted about the Conservative party and it's supporters. I have conceded that I to varying degrees think social policy is a necessary part of our political system and I have consistently harboured many a personal attack on my very being for thinking differently than the majority in this forum, for being a part of a 'staggeringly self-righteous and less-than-aware' public. Wow. You know when I first started posting here I got a private message from someone who told me that my opinions were not welcome here. Basically telling me that I should just hold my tongue and clap along or get the fuck out. But this website is an open forum on the world wide web, and I think as such, would find more pride in expressing all kinds of different opinions and cherish that diversity. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe I'm right. But I should be right about this. And that person should be ashamed. And yes, i do see why you might, as an opponent of the current government, have been buoyed by the slip in the polls and that's why I did not reply as you did in this thread. Why can you not grant me the same lenience, as an opponent to the left side of the political spectrum? I think that would be fair. Honestly I was not trying to hurt you by any means and I'm very sorry. I thought it was fun, but it wasn't. You obviously care very deeply for your country which is very noble, and while we may not agree on every step of the way, people like you and the level that you care is inspiring and that's commendable. I said in the beginning I wanted a minority CP government, let's just hope the Opposition stops them on the things we agree on.
  10. Ahh guys, check out the popular vote numbers in Ontario. And BC, the Prairies and the Maritimes. The Bloc is a separatist party, first and foremost. The rest of their platform doesn't matter because they're a separatist party!
  11. OMG, here's a kleenex. Remember when you called me, what was it... a "SUCKA!" when I mentioned my campaigning on the skank had failed as Cons started to drop in the polls? Don't talk to me about empathy. I've shown a fair share of it around this place in the face of being pretty much outright insulted because of how I vote. I was just trying to have a little fun, as I for one am a little happy over here in Chatham. But I guess though those of my kind don't count in your books. Or so it seems. I don't question the amount of class I have.
  12. My, my! Are the CP going to get a seat in Thornhill and Mississauga??
  13. Why would anyone outside of Quebec want to see a coalition with the Bloc?
  14. Bye bye Stephane Dion? Look at how the left vote splits so nicely!
  15. Read it and weep b-oys!
  16. Well i suppose when his government does something and/or promises something tangible that would make this fear appear legitimate, then I'd think differently. Until then, I'd venture to say propaganda has done it's job very, very well. Hook, line and sinker. Even staunch leftys over in the politics forum are agreeing that his platform and government are moderate and centrist, yet seemingly intelligent people keep pulling shit up from 10 years ago when he was with the Canadian Alliance and advocating western separatism, without considering who his electorate was that he spoke to and kept him paid and in politics. A lot of seemingly intelligent people forget that there still is the middle ground old Conservative Party in the new party, yet they continually apply the same bloody brush stroke to us all. Looks like the CP is on their way to some more seats. ::high fives bokonon!:: hahaha
  17. I can almost predict it like i can my clock turning 6.11 in a few seconds.
  18. Care to elucidate on who 'his policies most deeply screw'? I'm not a rich, selfish idiot, neither am I an evangelist and I consider myself pretty well versed on the issues, comparatively speaking, yet I voted around noon for the CPC. Where do I fall into your sheltered and limited categorization? [personal outrage] Why the fuck it is that most people who don't want to vote Conservative feel the need to outright judge and belittle those who do? Yet they claim to be sooo open-minded and free spirited. These people don't even give intelligent conversation a fair shake before they claim you as a fundamentalist and/or ignorant and/or selfish. As a person who believes soo much in the good will of man, freedom of thought and the powers of communication, this shit is so fucking limiting I almost feel like jumping off a cliff is a better option. Where's the open-mindedness the good people during the 60s and 70s fought for in this kind of bullshit rhetoric? [/personal outrage] Good luck Bokonon. They're all high-fiving in private messages.
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