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Everything posted by Birdy

  1. C'mon! In my twisted mind, I can almost blame the Liberals for this for keeping the CP out of government for so long as to not realize how much money we're actually talking about here. But i'm not that twisted, and yes I agree it was a broken promise. But if you're going to drop lines like "Fool me once" over income trusts, what about the GST? That to me is the biggest broken promise I can recall in my voting career, the one that meant the most to Canadians, one committed by the Liberals. But whatever, i'm not going to stick it to them like i feel I should when they accuse others of breaking promises, because like income trusts, when you get to governing and you realize what kind of money these things offer your government, your position changes quickly. Very, very quickly.
  2. Dion, in response to the Conservative platform, My, my. Look who's governing by the polls now! Bell Canada decided to convert to a trust - taking $800 million out of the federal government budget. Income trusts for big businesses are the friendly, legal version of tax evasion if you ask me. They promote unfair advantages and detract from a business' ability to innovate and yet still, have the public's sympathy. Because they benefit the shareholders? I'm mind-boggled.
  3. Note the fine print on that .pdf that says: "Other notes: Campaign 2000 has not received a response from the Conservative Party as of Sept. 29/08 and has obtained platform information from their website."
  4. I think mainly because every economist in the country right now is telling people and governments alike the number one thing they need to do to be 'okay' is pay off your debt and keep money in reserves as a 'just in case' fund. Tax-breaks give Canadians more ability to do just that. I totally agree on the arts & culture move. Thank god. Margaret Atwood saying she'd vote Bloc in Quebec was like a kick in the teeth to the Libs and got way too much press for what it was.
  5. I didn't really think there was anything in the platform that was 'promising the world'? not much promise there other than staying out of the red. "No intention of delivering" - is that just speculation or do you have a psychic tap into the mind of Stephen Harper? "Stole much of what he said from other parties" Canada can only be so big.
  6. I wouldn't be surprised if they added her for the sole fact that she's a woman. Maybe they felt the Republicans needed a facelift, watching as the Democrats were making progressive leaps and bounds with Hillary and Obama. She obviously came out of nowhere, has no foreign policy experience or really domestic for that matter. She looks good on paper as a vote getter... hard-working mother of five from Alaska who's in touch with American voters, with American women, etc. I wonder how they even came to choose her... probably late one night after scouring pages and pages of potentials all day long and then venturing upon this little *gem*, and then a bunch of back-patting and cheering goes down, and voila - Sarah Palin is the GOP VP candidate. Now, the reality of their decision has sunk in, certain Republicans are calling for her to step down, and the others are realizing what it will look like if she did step down, and hope she won't instead. I almost choked in the Katie Couric interview when Katie asked why Sarah Palin advocated oil drilling up in Alaska and John didn't. John's response (something along these lines) "Obviously, two mavericks can't agree on everything". WTF? hahahahah
  7. Birdy

    Fall Election

    I think not releasing a full out platform at once was actually pretty standard of Canadian politics until 1993 with the Liberal's "Red Book", which in turn back-fired and had them defending broken promises all over the place. I don't see anything wrong (nor does the law) with how the Cons have managed the process and if anything, think the whole strategic side of it is a pretty smooth move (time will tell if i'm wrong). Maybe it strikes a chord in the hearts of others cuz they didn't think of it first?? I don't know. I'd say probably. I'd also venture to say absolutely no political party in Canada is exempt from governing by polls. Ie, what's with the 30 day economic crisis plan Stephane Dion launched in the debates? To me, and to i'm sure a few others, it appears the Libs have back-burnered the Green Shift when it became apparent (through the polls) Canadians were more concerned about the economy. I'm not saying i'm right about this, but this is what it comes across as. And hey, if it's okay to misconstrue the intentions of the right, it should be okay to misconstrue the intentions of the left.
  8. Birdy

    Fall Election

    Rumour has it, the Conservative platform is coming out today... no google attempts by me have turned it up though. Anyone?
  9. Birdy

    Fall Election

    haha same thing i was saying to a coworker minutes ago.
  10. Birdy

    Fall Election

    Guelph's a big greeny town. A little lawn sign momentum game! This is so all kinds of wrong:
  11. Birdy

    Fall Election

    Jesus, Harris Decima is showing some big numbers too for the Greens.... ahead of the Libs in BC!
  12. Birdy

    Fall Election

    Whoa, ahead in Quebec too! The Globe and Mail needs to update their little poll tracker thingy then. I wonder what the 905's going to do.
  13. Birdy

    Fall Election

    Just checked the decima polls for Ontario: Cons 32% Libs 25% NDP 21% Green 12% Where'd you find the Libs ahead?
  14. Birdy

    Fall Election

    lol leave me alone!
  15. Birdy

    Fall Election

    The Libs are coming on strong!! I think the debates did wonders for Dion.
  16. Yikes! There's a whole wack load of journalists and bloggers alike who are claiming Layton promised this. Nope, nothing wrong with campaigning!
  17. Birdy

    Fall Election

    Warren Kinsella's got the best blog out there, imo.
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