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Everything posted by Birdy

  1. No, we're a world away from accepting what I'd want out of a government. I'd like to sign up for your class.
  2. Weird... i'm happily downloading. Thank you!
  3. This is the best line of the whole thread. There's 50 states, or there's 46 and four commonwealths. Who really cares? Think what you want, smile at your neighbour and drink lots of water.
  4. Somedays, i think i already have it. Somedays, i'm not so sure. Either way i'm close enough.
  5. It's the method to the madness in liberal spending that gets me. Money that goes out to float an already unstable economy against the absolutely inevitable. $1 billion to manufacturing doesn't change the fact that the same can be done in some foreign country on a cheaper wage and a cheaper part. If anything it will only lead to increased over-production. Unfortunately, a lot of manufacturers are going to be screwed, either today, tomorrow or five years down the road. I'd rather a Canadian government who recognizes at least to a degree, the inevitability the manufacturing sector faces and focuses more on providing its citizens and businesses with tax relief in order to give some sort of stimulation, all the while buckling down for a recession, which IRONICALLY seems to come right after a very long Liberal reign. Maybe we need a war.
  6. The Liberal Solution: Throw money at it. And some say Stephen Harper is a stain.
  7. Dear Winter, Please don't listen to MarcO. As I sit here, typing away on my laptop looking at the beautiful sun glistening on the waves of the Atlantic ocean, I'm fucking hating that I need to get on a plane and come back to you in 4.5 hours. Screw you. Smooches, Birdy
  8. Happy BIRTHDAY CARRIE, you firecracker you!
  9. HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY KERI!! I hope you have a great day and an even greater night! See you soon buddy!!
  10. Birdy

    Why We Have Debt

    *cough* I'm so glad the Liberals have done so much to rectify all of the bad, mean and ugly things Brian Mulroney did.
  11. I guess the Swedish make it a law that you have to have snow tires in the winter. I think they're more of a gas guzzler than anything else. But then again, I live in southwestern ontario on the other side of London where the majority of bad weather comes by way of rain, not snow. Except this particular winter, but it's not as bad as London on east.
  12. I'm so fucking sick of cancer. Fuck cancer. And I love Patrick Swayze. That guy was hotter than hot back when I was say... 12 or 14. And just now, reminiscing how hot he was, I'd say he's still hot. Nobody makes clay pot making look sexier than him. I hope he kicks the shit out of his disease. It quadruply deserves it.
  13. I too only see the 2007 lineup. "Stay tuned for 2008" ?
  14. You'll be super close to Manitoulin and I love Manitoulin.
  15. Double shame then if the Liberal Opposition chooses to do nothing about it. But for the record, I'm just playing the antagonist. I don't find the budget particularly bad.
  16. Have you read some of his(?) other one-liners?
  17. Vote for neither, look into the Libertarian Party of Canada!
  18. Hopefully for those liberal Canadians the party won’t take too much longer in getting their shit together then. It’s today that we’re heading into recession, not four years down the road. Should the needs of Canada as she is now be put on hold because of the party's uncertain fears of what may or may not happen should an election come about?
  19. Or perhaps Canadians have more on their voting agendas than simply war. I can't bring myself to vote NDP purely on fiscal principles.
  20. Rick Mercer makes Canada a better place to live. I thought this video was pretty funny earlier today. If I were... say a liberal and agreed with Dion in thinking this Conservative budget was all kinds of wrong for Canada, i'd be pretty pissed that he and his party consider their own political maneueverings more important than the economic future of our country. Edit to add: Ugh, i can't get it to come up with the right video... anyway, the correct video is Message from the Liberals... right next to Centrifuge.
  21. Happy BIRTHDAY OLD GUY! I already know how your day went so I won't speculate...
  22. Birdy

    Why We Have Debt

    I agree national debt is one of our biggest problems, but this post makes me laugh. So is your answer to have the Bank of Canada just print shit loads of money to pay for any and all government expenditures? Are you kidding me? Ever heard of inflation? Soaring interest rates? There’s nothing criminal about a bank loaning money and asking to be paid back with interest. That’s how they work.
  23. Thanks for posting! What a hearbreaking situation that was/is. The Stompin' Tom connors brought a smile to my face though.
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