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Everything posted by Birdy

  1. I love lake Couchiching! I spent a month sailing up there one fateful summer.. it was lovely!
  2. Happy birthday little lady! I hope you have a fantastic day!
  3. I secretly love the Economist and the Atlantic too! That said, i also secretly love US Weekly and Star Magazine.
  4. One of the greatest quotes about Mulroney's run is that he was "dragging Canada kicking and screaming into the 21st century".
  5. i don't really hold the whole conversion thing against christians. i know if i whole-heartedly believe something and think it's a good thing i'm going to tell my friends about it and tell them they should get on board too. mind you, i don't consider myself a christian, but i really, really don't care if someone hands me a pamphlet on a bus or wants to sit down and have a conversation about their religion with me to see if i'd be interested. in a way, i actually kind of admire these people and the faith they have in something and the good they think it delivers them. chatting with them can turn out to be good conversation if one can get over that initial period of outrage. i hear you though. i sometimes wonder though if the non-christian attitude towards christianity were a little bit different would we see a change in the way christians act around others not of their faith? throughout the entire history of the religion they've constantly been having to protect their right to believe in their god, whether it's been against other religions or different sects of their own. That's gotta ingrain something into their heads being always on the defensive, always having to prove/protect their right to exist.
  6. I don't think most christians think this way... maybe some of the hardcores in parts of Indiana and Texas and other evangelical centres... but the whole forgiveness thing christianity has going for it is pretty admirable in my books... and the ten commandements of christianity and the ethical precepts of buddhism are nearly one in the same.
  7. I think it's kind of interesting how most people in our culture, myself included, are rooting for the Tibetan monks and would prefer to see the Dalai Lama restored to Tibet in all of his former glory, yet when it comes to western society we're all up in arms the second christianity, a religion that has just as much linked history than that of the Tibetan buddhism, comes anywhere near our own governments, let alone when one of its followers starts talking about reincarnation.
  8. Birdy

    so ...

    no doubt! I was near tears when he was questioned about the whole Bouchard fallout. What kind of question is "do you think he'll attend your funeral?"... my god. thanks for clarifying events leading up to this.
  9. Birdy

    so ...

    If he goes, so should Jean Chretien. I wonder about the odd 2 million he won in his civil suit... what happens with that money should something really come out of all of this? I also wonder why Schreiber is NOW speaking up about this.. what changed? I watched a documentary a month or so ago hosted by Lloyd Robertson called "the Mulroney Years" or something like that... i actually came out of it all kind of feeling sorry for him! yikes.
  10. Thirded on Modest Mouse. I left about half way through a show a few years back in Detroit.
  11. It seems like every socially conservative move the Harper government makes is construed as an aim to improve relations with the US. As if conservative thought never existed before the days of GW. It kind of makes me think we don't value ourselves as Canadians and view our existence only in comparison to our neighbours to the south. I find this kind of irritating... and sorry for taking things off topic, just rereading this thread.
  12. Ahhhhh! I fucking hate that! I have no idea why that bothers me so much' date=' but it really fucking irritates me![/quote'] Didn't they learn skedule in skool? Maybe they all got their shedules at shule? Um, the CORRECT pronunciation of the word 'schedule' IS SHedule. Saying SKedule is an American modification of its pronunciation. Do you spell the word favour -- favour or favor?
  13. some people i know tack on a 's' at the end of somewhere or anywhere. ie, 'i think it's somewheres over there.' the drives me crazy. meggo - i think the 'whole nother' bit might be the chatham you just can't shake!
  14. I don't think those are intended by users as words... rather just mimicking a sound.
  15. Happy birthday big guy!! I hope you have a fantastic day! You were such a dink about the whole canceling of the Toronto Ween show, but i'm over it. Here's to you Swifty! :thumbup: One hell of a guy!
  16. GO! Sounds like an awesome opportunity!
  17. There should be some kind of veterinarians creed about doing that kind of thing... my god!
  18. rumour has it if you run your keyboard in a dishwasher on rinse cycle only (NO SOAP!) and let it drip dry for a day or so, it'll be better than new.
  19. I'd volunteer at the local hospital. I actually signed myself up at one point but I travel too much and they needed someone who could be there like clock work. Chatham's ridiculously short staffed as far as anything medical goes. I've been checking out this website lately and it seems very cool.. if you're into travel and developmental projects. They have a whole listing of short term abroad programs too which is great for those of us with a certain number of vacation days a year.
  20. microphones ridiculous laughs crossword puzzles pianos and keyboards things that grow big, halfmyface, sunglasses political debates saying hello baby fingers country roads roadtrips used book stores cousin babes books and blogs chatham-kent council meetings travels and stories of travel ryan adams comfy beds shakers
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