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Everything posted by Birdy

  1. whatevers. cornstocks were awesome.. mitch up there on stage with electric voodoo burning his guitar to smithereens, couches in the back of pickup trucks, bonfires the size of five or six SUVs... it has never been any better in these parts and you guys know it! bb, remember me telling you about my buddy who got jumped at one of the cornstocks!? I wonder if it was the same losers who did it to you! i have an old VHS tape that 'Wheels' (haha), the guy who threw the cornstocks made, documenting cornstock 3.. i wish i knew where it was cuz it's AWESOME!
  2. umm... Royal Tavern? er... CORNSTOCKS ARE BLENHEIM! nice try!
  3. NO! Anyone know who owns it!?!?
  4. TV was made to be on DVD. I polished off the planet earth series in a day.. and arrested development season one in a day as well... Lost season one was a serious commitment at two days and i felt like i needed a three hour shower after that one.
  5. I think the real question is whether Hux deems this as good news or not!
  6. I think Nader’s definition of fascism is a bit stretched and the result of his own bitter struggles with what US courts deem constitutional or not. Is it fair that we bitch about the lobby efforts of say… drug companies and then applaud the same of say… women’s groups? In a forum big on equality, can you not agree that both should have the right to pitch a case? Lobby groups are a persuasive force and have influenced a lot of government policy for better or worse, but they aren’t the party and they don’t have the power the voting public does. The majority of seats any party will hold are elected MPPs, including the ‘party boss’. List members are still elected officials, votes are cast for them, and as such are still held accountable. What kind of party would allow a seat-holding member to run off on a tangent and smear it’s reputation? It’s not gonna happen. If ANYTHING is going to happen the votes of the Ontario public will have better representation in the legislature and more voices will be heard. It’s a good thing.
  7. Turns out the whole 'you will receive your tickets 0 days before the event' is nothing as I got mine today!
  8. Birdy

    Charity games??

    sweet! i hope it's all willy wonkaish.
  9. Birdy

    Charity games??

    That would be like a 12 hour drive from Hershey, Pennsylvania and I'm afraid of roller coasters and puke on tilta-whirls. Only if you play 'Driving home for Christmas' and do scissor kicks and finger drums from your dj booth!!
  10. Birdy

    Charity games??

    Yep. Stuff is displayed for people to place silent bids on.. normally say a piece of artwork is up for auction, a sheet of paper would be on a table and people would come up, put their names and their bid amounts on it... and the list grows with people topping one another's bids.
  11. Birdy

    Charity games??

    I'm excellent at skeeball... and i overhand pitch it in there!
  12. Birdy

    Charity games??

    QUARTERS! perhaps you missed the whole 'high-end' part of the post. Too bad those damn Americans don't have twonies! Hello BIG TIME! er.. there's some great ideas here *cough*... lol.. i especially like wheelbarrow races and sumo suits... maybe i can do sumo wheelbarrow races? that'd be cool. I think the poker tourny is a good idea but takes too much time.. maybe a few black jack tables. Now i'm leaning towards flame blowers and magicians... we'll see!
  13. Birdy

    gmail issues?

    No, but i have gmail issues too! Sometimes when I send an email it doesn't get delivered for hours on end. Sometimes when someone sends me an email it doesn't get delivered for hours on end. Sometimes when i try to send an email in reply to an email sent to me, i get an error message asking me try back in a few minutes. Then i try back and try back and try back and i can't ever send it. Then if i try to copy and paste it, i can't, so i have to send it to another of my personal email addresses so i can copy and paste it, go back to gmail, create a new email and send it. Brut!
  14. So i'm organizing a high-end charity event which is basically a glitzy cocktail party with both a live and silent auction. The event will raise money for the Antique Automobile club of America. I'd like to incorporate some kind of games in the event which will give all the shmoozers something to do other than stare at each for a couple of hours. Does anyone have any ideas as far as games to raise money go?
  15. I don’t claim that individuals are perfect, they are what they are. My claim is that through a series of compromises and agreements a status quo is formed and an individual’s ideas of what they can or cannot do get deflated and lost, ending up in an apathetic citizen who thinks that ‘they alone’ can’t create change, so why try? The longer a person holds preconceived notions of what the ‘collective’ societal thought may be, the least likely they’ll be to speak up.
  16. We're voting to bring in a new electoral system. You have two choices: 1 - The Old Way - The candidate with the most votes wins. Ontario is split up into 107 constituencies. Voters in any particular district get one vote to elect their MPP and whoever gets the most votes goes down to Toronto. Whichever political party gets the most MPPs elected, wins. 2 - The new proposed way - Ontario would be split up into 90 different areas, and the provincial legislature would now have 129 seats. Local MPPs would take up 90 of those seats and leave the other 39 for "List Members". When you go to vote you then have two votes to cast. One for your local MPP, the other for the political party of your choice. The MPP vote is calculated just like the old way (most votes), and the second vote would determine how many 'list' members any party can appoint seats. The idea being that this system offers a greater representation of actual votes cast. Hope this helps!
  17. Dr Evil, Individualism is all we've got. Compromise is a tool used to express. Losing your individualism because of a compromise is the problem.
  18. That's just it. People don't make any noise. People who believe in the goodness of man and believe in rehabilitation sit back and eat the status quo off a fork because they just know what the other is thinking and they lose themselves in all of it's collectivity - "the way it is". Take it down to the raw bone and i think you'll find yourself with people who wish the system were different. How to backpeddle it all and get a person thinking not about funding, not about punishment, but rather in terms of forgiveness and being true to their principles is my stumbling block.
  19. Ugh.. collective thought! Perhaps one of the greatest mistakes is our preconcieved notions of what one another are thinking, getting wrapped up in that, losing ourselves in it and giving up on what we think, individually.
  20. if i only had my camera friday night!
  21. True, but when any type of library admits a book as unworthy because of what it's contents could possibly entice in it's reader, that's censorship. It's all in the motive. I have a problem adjusting to all of this talk insinuating prisoners aren't "free". The word really implies too much to reduce it to simple incarceration. The rights of prisoners need to be protected and fundamental freedoms should be guaranteed. If a person is incarcerated and if we really believe in rehabilitation, we should grant them this. Denying them of these things, even on a small scale, doesn't make us any better than the shmucks running Gitmo. They're just taking things further down the same road.
  22. Birdy

    Gebus FACK!

    Sorry shouldn't have said "only shame".. there's a few shames on him!
  23. Birdy

    Gebus FACK!

    I disagree Schwa.. McGuinty - sucked. Eves - sucked. Harris - not so sucky. The only shame there was his predecessor's inability to carry on the so called revolution. I'm voting PC this time around.. mainly because our local representative is awesome and very committed to young adults and what we want for the chatham-kent area.
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