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Everything posted by Birdy

  1. This is quite the loaded statement for someone who 'will never personally be on facebook'.
  2. anyway... It's been a long and tryin' bad day Little mockingbirds are out there singing But the moon plays tricks on my darling And I ain't done, but I'm going Feeling wounded, like the army There's no medic, here to calm me And my scars are all showing And I ain't done, but I'm going When these young winds, they calm down Maybe one day you'll think of me When you go out and hit the town With your love, have a drink for me 'Cause it's been so long, for just half over They don't make coats for this kind of cold, doll Sometimes you can't find the thing to free ya And I ain't done, but I'll see ya Cause lord I ain't done, but I'll see ya
  3. Birdy

    Yo La Tengo?

    Go! Check out the album "i can hear the heart beating as one" for a preview!
  4. How is it stupid? I can understand not wanting to reconnect with every person in your graduating class, but life has a funny way of letting true friends grow apart for a variety of reasons, other than simply not liking them... circumstances change and facebook and other social networking outlets provide an opportunity to reconnect with people that you would want to, and people who without these social networks, you wouldn't think twice about emailing or calling. Over myspace, i like the degree of privacy that facebook offers... a person has to be an approved friend to actually see what you have on a profile... i'd say that myspace is more a "shrine to oneself" than facebook with all the web graphics, blogs and lengthy personal bios. i only wish facebook would stop adding eight trillion ridiculous applications or whatever they call them.
  5. i thought poker was over.
  6. Sorry we couldn't make it! The stupid roads were closed until midnight or so and we weren't so keen on drinking and driving. I'm sure it was super fun!
  7. haha.. sorry you guys can't make it Blurry! i haven't seen you guys since you were ordained... (haha) i thinks. are the roads going to be open for sure friday night? we're camping tonight and plan on hangin' around town friday during the day, but don't want to have to hang on to camping stuff... i'd rather bus in for the day, bus back and drive back for DD.
  8. haha... looks that way Alexis! Looking forward to it!
  9. so my weekend algonquin plans cancelled (i think - brut BT! haha) so we may be in too. wooo!
  10. Happy Birthday Davies! Look forward to seeing you the next time you're home!
  11. tell me about it! i loathe that show too. i loathe the fact that i sit in my middle room doing whatever and listen as my roomate shouts (literally) "DEAL! DEAL YOU IDIOT!!" at the tv. Nothing more than that makes me cringe... oh 'cept for that little opening jingle to law & order! YIKES!
  12. Happy Birthday d-Rawk!
  13. lol... yep. it's entertaining, in the least!
  14. Why not? I'm not saying every move Paris makes is for the camera, but I am saying that the camera looks and edits Paris to convey a certain marketable image of her to a society who wants it. And a society who is willing to pay big money for it. Paris is a business woman whose looking to make money. It isn't in her best interest to change mid-stream and suddenly present herself as a straight-laced, do-gooder, intelligent business woman. The moment she does that, the moment her salary drops drastically. We criticize media for their biased opinions and one-sided truths and then forget that when it comes to Hollywood? Responsible journalism whaaaaaaaaaaa? But then I'm the one whose chided for believing credits with her name on it. But really, whatever. Never in a trillion years did I think i'd spend my days debating the IQ of Paris Hilton!
  15. Paris is in the business of dumb. She markets herself to be a ditz, and it works... multi-millions of dollars works. You're taking a hugely biased media image (in a world where pop culture has gone mad) of this girl and letting it serve as truth. Is that really fair? In a world where stupidity sells at the highest price? YATS, she wrote every song on her album herself except one. It may not be the record that I go out and buy, but it did debut in the top 10 on billboard.
  16. 1) a really nice cool breeze coming in the window, especially welcome after a long muggy week 2) h) when people mess up communication/ideas on the interweb r) a rim job 3) cold beer(and a joint) on a hot afternoon of outdoor working. 4) simple acts of kindness; one man/woman's garbage is another's gold 5) campfires in your own backyard 6) sunday afternoons with steve kimock & pete sears
  17. The portion of her bank account that doesn't come from her father. She's had a tv show, an album, a book. She's a clothing, jewellery and perfume designer, and a film actress. According to wiki, she earned herself a cool $7 million in 2005. I don't think an idiot rakes in those figures in a year. Unfortunately she's not a humanitarian, nor does she possess the characteristics of a nobel peace prize winner. But there's more in this world to measure levels of intelligence (whether we morally agree with them or not) and I don't think we should be quite so quick to write Paris off.
  18. I think this thread greatly underestimates Paris' intelligence. She's no half-wit.
  19. Me either Jaimoe. But in light of similar cases, seems like Paris is getting a pretty harsh sentence. Yet people think the justice system is "tipping" in her favour.
  20. No, she was charged with breaking her probation.
  21. So let's focus all our attention on Paris and not the justice system itself. [color:purple]Makes sense.
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