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Everything posted by Birdy

  1. Cool. Sorry, i saw "i can see" and "standardization" in the same sentence. I was just thinking how crazy it is that simply changing the motive behind an act can change it from being socialist to being fascist in nature.
  2. Do we close doors of opportunity open to some because others may not be that fortunate? When is the line drawn and who decides to draw it? I just can't come to grips with said "appealing" nature of standardization. Close your minds children and let the others catch up. No thanks. Regardless of benign intent or not, banning books is banning books. It is telling a person that he or she is not allowed to gain that knowledge. Fundamental freedoms? pfft.. they're so yesterday.
  3. pourquoi? a quick search finds a censor as someone who
  4. Crime, shmime. I can't help but think this is a safe baby step towards complete censorship in the name of security against terrorism. The stuff governments can get away with these days is SCAAAAARY! What's even scarier is that they've convinced a large portion of the public that such censorship is NECESSARY and a good thing!
  5. UGH! I just reread this and my outrage is still there. I thought maybe i was just particularly feisty in the early morning hours... Doesn't anyone else find this absolutely outrageous!?
  6. oh. my. god. I'm holding back vomit here.
  7. I'm all over that Fox Theatre show in Detroit!
  8. Birdy

    ~Burning Man~

    Wow Jeffy! I'm ridiculously jealous and ready to jump ship for 2008! Great review. Next time i see you, i hope you're wearing that sarong!
  9. RIP Pavarotti! I ate a five course lunch in your restaurant and walked around your yard hoping to catch a glimpse of your greatness! Your security did a good job and promptly kicked us out. You were a genius.
  10. and here i thought we were talking about the victim! in fairness to myself, i don't really understand where this is coming from. I made a specific point to acknowledge that government does need to play a role within society and policing would be one of those roles. Just how much power the police are given i think should be examined and scaled back to a degree. With the way things are rolling nowadays i can't help but fear North American police forces will become today's equivalent of the Gestapo.
  11. Sweet! I've got tickets too!
  12. Chances are, he'd be better served by me. There's countless similar cases that get washed up and thrown out because law enforcement doesn't have time to pursue them.
  13. I think the growth of western civilization is just starting to bring us full circle back to the realization that the only ones who we can depend on and trust are ourselves. People seem more skeptical than ever of their government and it's tactics and I really can't imagine how this tide of thinking can be reversed. For me, we just need time.
  14. Thanks KEV!! Where's Mr. Evasive anyway!?
  15. YAY! I couldn't agree more. I'm not an anarchist by any means, but I do believe in the power to do good to a varying degree. There's like this inherent quality in humankind that breads us to be skeptical of our own selves and wary of our neighbours. And as I like to sit back and develop whacked out theories as to where/when this type of behaviour started, I'm convinced that it's something that can be overcome, that it's created by circumstance and that it can be proved wrong. I think the conservative-liberal, left to right lineage of political allegiance is something of the past, and that in order to develop and really be progressive we need to think in terms of what we can do as individuals and how we can make that apply to the collective good. But it's not as easy as overnight change and things need to be scaled back, money needs to be banked and saved and long range plans need to be drafted up. Tomorrow it may hurt, but the future, i think and hope, would be brighter. I'm not anti-government though. I think government should be suited to govern a system of checks and balances with a low profile playing card. It should serve a purpose, not be the purpose. So if Hux jumped ship, i understand. But it's stlil damn funny and i can't wait to hear for sure. I took a much needed vacation from the computer!
  16. This thread makes me want to post more.
  17. This is quite the loaded statement for someone who 'will never personally be on facebook'. How so? Just because I don't personally use Facebook does not mean I have not seen it in action and know many people that do use it. I am aware of it's basic premise and operation. Either case it's creepy and not for me. But if you love it' date=' keep on it. [/quote'] I don't love it, but i like how it lets me keep in touch with people. While I won't rule out gossip and stories and all of that, I wouldn't say it's all about that either. Mine isn't.
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