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Everything posted by mattm

  1. Yeah, Dinghy, I have nothing against you and I hope to god they don't give you split shifts, it sucks balls. I had a bud one time that had the shifts: Monday: 7-3, Tuesday: 3-11, Wednesday: 11-7, repeat until friday, break for weekend. Granted it was only temporary for a month or so but sucks still, hard shifts are hard shifts. Pretty much everything I wanted to say velvet said so thanks velvet for laying it out. Ollie: I won't become a bus driver because I paid for, with over $35000 and 5 years+ of my life, the privelege to sit my ass here at home, drinking my own coffee in my pyjamas working while others are struggling in the snow. I have it pretty good, though the pay isn't all that good, it will be in the future (maybe a little bit distant future since we also will potentially be looking at 15% wage cuts depending on how the business does). Poor Steph has to walk pretty far so it does hit home a little bit but mostly I'm the same as velvet, the strike doesn't affect me personally all that much at all. Ain't about me though. I have this terrible thing that makes me feel bad for others (hence being so torn on this issue and wishing that rubber dinghy didn't drive a bus so that I could just be flat out mad and not have to be conflicted). The way I see it is that there are many people with much shittier situations AND much shittier pay (waitresses/waiters who have their own minimum wage and work some pretty shitty hours/locations, etc) and though I also see the bus driver situation of crappy shifts, I also kinda think that maybe, with being paid pretty good (without having to have invested near as much as some folks), maybe just take it for a bit, make a deal to stay the way things are but to go over it again in a year when things have calmed down. Go to the city and say "We, as responsible members of our community, would like to ask the city to deffer negotiations and keep things as they are for 1 year" or something on those lines. Make it really public so that the city can't refuse or they look like real assholes but also make sure they damn well know that you'll be fighting again once we're all a little more stable. You sell it in the newspaper so that the whole city sees. You guys are heros for taking shit so that all of us can get to work in these hard times. A year goes by and it's negotiation time again. Guess who's on your side now, all those people who didn't get fucked over (city residents). Again, city has to cave to your demands or face the wrath of the residents, saved the prior year by humble oc transpo drivers that gave up so much to make sure the less fortunate were still ok. I don't like that the union knows damn well that this is the time that the most people will be fucked over so the best chance to nab as much as possible, it's just mean and low when so many people out there are losing so much, including employment.
  2. Hey rubberdinghy, I'm sorry you hate me. I'm bitter because the strike is a real kick in lots of folks asses and it's not a good time. Summer maybe, when people could at least walk/run/jog/bike/etc to work. Hard times man, for everyone. Do I take what I said back? Sorry, can't do that. It's winter, it's cold, it's exam time, school kids depend on busses to get to school, money gone from their budgets which means activity cuts. $27000 from the students to pay for the shuttles, that's just carleton, not sure about the other schools. But it's folks like the ones I quote below that make me bitter: http://ottawa.ctv.ca/servlet/an/local/CTVNews/20081209/OTT_Strike_081209/20081209/?hub=OttawaHome Ollie, call me maudlin and make fun all you want, that's cool. Slightly over the top I'd also agree but yeah, I feel bad for others, not just me sometimes. Rubber, I feel for you too. Those shifts stink and I know where you're coming from. My first many jobs were in factories, much less pay, harder work and shittier shifts so I know that you need to sometimes fight and I've been on your end in the union, but there are times for things. Right now is christmas time. Not only that, I turn on the news and see thousands of job cuts, wage cuts (up to 15% at my work), etc. It's cold out and there are kids to think about. Strike at a better time when those hit hardest aren't royally fucked. I apologize for thinking that perhaps this is a time when we should help each other, I just hate seeing it become harder than it already is. That is all
  3. There sure are. There are probably thousands in ottawa alone that would drive the bus for less than the current deal too. Talk about sick days? OC transpo employees are in direct contact with the public and so need more sick days. Hello?? Waitresses? Retail employees?? Minimum wage with no sick days... The thing that pains me the most about this is knowing that there will be families out there who managed to scrap together just enough to get the kids a tiny present for christmas but will now have to spend that money on cab rides or making up for lost hours. Thanks OC transpo, I guess you guys are pretty fucked too at $25/hour, not near enough to scrape by in these tough economic times. And while mom has to explain to her daughter that she won't be home for christmas because she has to work to make up for cab money or hours lost, well, lets just say that I hope karma comes back and hits all the greedy assholes at OC transpo good and hard.
  4. Offer refused by bus workers*: 1) 7% wage increase over 3 years -Starting wage for 2007 for driver: $24.23** up to $25.93 after 3 years (or $50398 up to $53926 after the 3 years based on 40 hour work weeks, 52 weeks per year). 2) 8 days uncertified sick leave 3) advancements in the union position in terms of contracting out and scheduling *Source: http://www.metronews.ca/ottawa/local/article/152291 **Source:
  5. mattm

    "Economic Update"

    Lol, I thought it was a funny comment so I put it on there. It would be absurd to actually think that they will be going on vacation. A: There's a financial crisis to deal with and if the cons don't come up with something very, very good then they are gone so they'll be working on that quite hard. B: There's a campaign that will now be going on and that will also take a lot of their time. My worry is that it will be the campaign that will be what's worked on the hardest, or will be front and center when thinking of any other issues instead of just dealing with the issues. That's what I thought was kinda funny and of value in that dude's comment. They definitely won't go to disney world, but I'm worried that they also won't conentrate on what's important when there's an election type thing going on (not sure what to call it). In other words, I have a feeling that all parties will be "going on vacation" when it comes to things that matter (not that they will stop working entirely). No, that doesn't mean there won't be anything for the economy but I think there will be too much fighting for power and not enough just plain work going on. I also think that perhaps this is what we need to really get a good plan going. I think that perhaps because of this little prorogue, the parties might be forced to think of canada first so though they might campaign, as mentioned above, they will also need to come up with the best solution to win which means it might not be as bad or ugly as it could be if it were just a straight election campaign.
  6. mattm

    "Economic Update"

    It's too bad GG didn't put in something that said no attacks. This is a delay to figure out the economy, not to have another election campaign. If there's another election, so be it, but no attacking each other right now, think about canada. The fact of the con attack ads alone says they are unfit to govern in my mind. If they were fit, they'd be able to come up with a concrete plan to satisfy us and wouldn't need to attack the coalition. Same goes the other way. If the coalition responds to the attack ads with their own attack ads, it's just as bad. If they are smart and constantly respond with updates to how they will deal with things (in other words, ignore the cons and just report on things), then they will truly have my respect and I will agree with it. If the cons pull the attack ads and do the same thing (hell, if they even don't report, same for coalition, just don't attack), then they too will have my respect. Hell, if the cons can be responsible, don't attack and just work for us, I will actually vote for them in february and that is something that only this "three ring circus" could make me do. I like that, it has the gist of how I feel as well. Then again, technically they should all be working towards an economic helper idea, though I think the main focus will be another campaign and I don't think much will actually get done for the economy. Also, edit to add that since turning on the parliament webcam, I think there's even more people there now then a few minutes ago, the crowd looks a little bigger... I like that too.
  7. mattm

    "Economic Update"

    I should have made the second comment in purple since, though I don't like all this shit, I also think that putting it off completely for another two months just to go through the same thing again (which is what I think will happen) is just stupid. Lets deal with this shit now, new election, coalition, whatever, but stopping government for a couple months is the last thing I want to see.
  8. mattm

    "Economic Update"

    Since I don't entirely understand prorogue, can someone explain it to me? Does this mean that in this time when we really, really need something to get done, everything is put on hold until the end of january? Or is it not that bad, and why don't any of us have a say in it? I guess that would mean another election. Also, if the whole financial crisis can wait until january to be dealt with then what's the big deal anyway? Doesn't seem like much of an emergency if we can just put it off for a couple months like that...
  9. I always arrive about 10 minutes before my bus should arrive if I can help it. My gripe is that the bus will then not arrive on time and it's the transfer that gets screwed up. Ever use the travel planner and it says get off at stop whatever, in 2 minutes get on bus x, blah, blah, blah. Well, that's the window I'm talking about that I keep missing. Local bus 1 arrives late. Big route bus 2 arrives on time. Local bus 1 gets there just after big route bus 2 has left, travel time incremented by time between big bus 2 routes. AD: It's a massive reason why it angers me, just not the only one and if I was making more, I'd still be mad because it'd be very, very easy to replace me with someone else who works very hard also without as much benefits. Am I jealous? Fuck yeah and does that add to it, hell yeah (I'm hunam).
  10. so if you made more money than the transit workers you'd be ok with the strike? Nope, since I'd still lose my ride and others who are much poorer than I am will also lose their rides. The strike means that to get diapers for little Trey we'll have to walk about 30 minutes or so to the store and back. If it's nice out, not so bad. This time of year, not so good. The fact that they make so much more is just the knife being twisted inside my belly Yup, I used to call. The bus is not "officially" late until there's 5 minutes difference (same with early). When I used to take the 156 it would always be late or early and me and friends missed it constantly so we started calling and the usual response was that it was in some way our fault. Basically, giant defense of bus, no help for joe dude calling in (and we were nice the first few times actually thinking something might get done). I even called one time when the bus was over 10 mintues late (and I had been waiting) and the person on the phone argued with me that the bus was on time and on route, she just spoke with the bus driver...)
  11. Since you guys have better benefits and make more money than me (I'm a lowly computer programmer working in telecommunication research and development, or keyword, private sector), have more sick days, better incentives (I don't get overtime, I can work 80 hours in a week and still get the same pay and no seniority or job security either, I can walk in one day and find I lack a job), I think it kinda sucks that I will lose my ride and that me and steph will be hurt (since we depend on the bus to get such things as groceries and diapers and can't afford to cab). On top of that, I'm constantly missing busses because the first bus is late and I just miss the second bus (i.e. the 160 in kanata is always at least 5 minutes late which means I always miss the 96 at eagleston since the 160 has to be on time to make the transfer, I get to watch the 96 leaving every time, making my 1 hour journey about 1.5 hours or so). The 182 often doesn't even show up for some morning trips. My bus ticket prices keep going up but I haven't seen any improvement whatsoever since I moved here (it's still a bus, you still get on, the bus is still probably late and when you're at your stop, you still get off). Granted, I think that bus drivers provide a great service and it's tough to drive a bus so I think you guys should be compensated adequately, it just sucks seeing people getting so much more than me (especially since my job also comes with a $30000 loan pricetag) and then bitching about it (especially when the result of that bitching means less money in my pocket than I'm getting now which is far, far less than those on strike). My two cents. Sorry rubber, that's not something against you but sometimes I think that there's a time for things like this. When we're about to hit or are in a financial crisis and the people affected are the poor and those going on strike already make pretty damn good money for the job, it's kind of a pain in the ass.
  12. mattm

    "Economic Update"

    quite thin. If it was ice on a lake, we wouldn't be allowed on it...
  13. mattm

    "Economic Update"

    The environment is the only real thing that makes me kinda like the coalition. We have this really stupid idea that it's too expensive to do anything to help the environment, that the economy will suffer but I look at my son and I think that I wouldn't mind some economic suffering right now if it means he can have the same enjoyable life as me, play outside and enjoy the earth instead of having to clean up for my stupid mistakes (and if there's no money to prevent right now then there sure as hell won't be any money to clean up AS WELL AS prevent in the future).
  14. mattm

    "Economic Update"

    I think the cons should dump harper and select someone else that's willing to work with the other parties and lets just leave it at that. This is all too much. We don't need these stupid political squabbles right now, we need leadership and we need someone to help us canadians out of whatever hardships are to come. Harper is out to get the other parties, the other parties are out to get harper, no one is out to help canada stay afloat. There might be good reason to oust harper based on the economy but that's not the real reason that the coalition is happening and we know it. This whole thing feels like highschool to me. Petty fights and top priorities being getting the most popularity but lacking the responsibility that comes with age in that popularity isn't all there is and that there are many other things, many other issues that are vastly more important than who's the king of the class. One of the most important things I've learned in life is that it's not all about me and my ideas or views, that others have different views and that some of them, if I actually give some time to listen, are quite favorable to mine, etc, etc. Some views I might not like but if I really think about them, I know that they are the best thing and that sometimes you have to agree even if you don't want to. So, having said that, I'll finish by saying that as much as I don't like a con government, I think the best option is as stated above, kick harper out, pick someone new and then GG tell the parties to get along.
  15. mattm


    Thanks AD, I've been out of the loop due to long hours at work and not reading the newspapers, just saw this morning the whole coalition thing.
  16. mattm


    thoughts please http://www.cbc.ca/canada/story/2008/12/02/harper-coalition.html
  17. Turning plastic back into gas is cool except: 1. It means it will take much longer to get off the gas if we can turn plastic back into gas -Air pollution continues 2. What about the by-products? Nuclear energy is clean all they until you get to the left-overs which isn't clean at all. What about this process? Plastic isn't just gas, it has other things in it... Put to good use would be making more plastic out of the gas rather than burning it away but again, it'd be better if they could turn the plastic into something non-environmentally damaging or find something else that is friendly to make the plastic out of...
  18. I was liking what I was reading until I got to the tomato page and realised that you need specific routers to install it which kinda sucks. On the other hand, I need a new router... On yet another hand (not sure where this hand is), I don't even have bell. I do however like the idea of running open source software on my router. hmmmm
  19. does it work in IE (wepages)? If so, it doesn't really make much sense actually. If that is the case then it's definitely firefox related (otherwise it's your connection in general). If it's just firefox, the best thing to do is to delete your old profile and create a new one. The profiles are found under: C:\Documents and Settings\[Your Username]\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\[random letters].default Replace [Your Username] with your actual username for windows and browse to the profiles folder. There should only be the one profile there (the folder that has random letters and ends in .default). Delete this folder and restart firefox. NOTE: I suggest you copy bookmarks.html into another folder and then once you've opened firefox again and made the new profile, close firefox, paste the bookmarks file into the new profile folder and open firefox again, all your bookmarks will be back.
  20. you can? will they turn the kids gay? I can see it being an issue for the courts as there is now a third party involved' date=' the kid, as opposed to two consenting adults (so the sentence wasn't implying that I have an issue with it, just that I can see it being an issue).[/quote'] and in a straight relationship adoptions, there is a kid involved as well. the clear implication of what you are saying is that you see some merit in distinguishing between gay and straight parents. I don't see merit in anything and I wasn't voicing my personal opinion on the subject, I was merely stating what I think might happen or be the case, not saying I agree or disagree, just saying that it could be the situation. Call it a prediction. Just noticed this: Yup Want my actual opinion on it? I think that families, any families, be given the option of adoption and that there are or should be measures in place to make sure that the new parents are decent. In other words, yeah, I don't think that say 2 man hating lesbians who are a couple should raise a kid just like I don't think a man/women black hating couple should have a kid. If the people are decent, they get the kid. I'm against assholes having a kid but I have gay friends and I don't in anyway have anything against gay folks and as far as adoption is concerned, I'm just against hate from the adopting parents, not sexual orientation. My opinion.
  21. Who do you write the letter to, or what address? Bradm, search time... There's also: Public consultations on the draft budget will be held until Nov. 27. Council will also hear from public delegations on Dec. 1-2 and, if necessary, Dec. 3 before approving the final budget by Dec. 5.
  22. you can? will they turn the kids gay? I can see it being an issue for the courts as there is now a third party involved, the kid, as opposed to two consenting adults (so the sentence wasn't implying that I have an issue with it, just that I can see it being an issue).
  23. Bluesfest should be fine. Like someone said in the comments of the article, add an extra $1 to each ticket and you've got $30 000 extra per day. Then again, I have no idea how much the city contributes but I'm sure bluesfest will be fine, there might just be even more advertising there than in previous years. The thing that galls me is that it's always services or arts that are cut and yet I constantly hear about things like council giving itself a raise, etc. When I was doing coop at the city of ottawa for the web thing I was getting $19/hour ($10 less than full-time wage). About 4 months after my coop term was done I received a check in the mail for almost $800 because they had decided to give everyone in that department a raise of around $1/hour and also decided to backdate the raise to the start of the year (so everyone got another nice bonus to add to the other bonuses you get when you work for the city). Good money to work for them. I'm never allowed again, at least not while the current managers are there because I was way too loud in my complaints about how much the employees were making.
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